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Founded, January 2006
29,179 members strong
as of 22-Oct-2024

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SKCC's Slow Speed Saunter (CQS)


This event starts at 0000 UTC on the first day of every month and ends at 2359 UTC on the same day. This is not a contest; It is an informal Operating Event lasting 24 hours, aiming to bring together operators at a slower CW pace.

The Slow Speed Saunter evolved from The SKCC Straight Key Night, the club's first operating event which was inspired by the ARRL's annual Straight Key Night. The SKCC's founders wanted to have Straight Key Night every month -- a good way to bring members together on the air on a regular basis. The SKN aimed to bring together operators in a casual relaxed environment, a good opportunity to practice CW at your own speed, have informal chats, or work toward the club's achievement awards.

The tradition continues!

The SKCC's Slow Speed Saunter is open to all licensed amateurs.

Operators who are new to CW are encouraged to get on the air and make your first contacts during The Slow Speed Saunter. You will find we will work at your speed and are very forgiving of mistakes; we will even make a few of our own.

SKCC Members who participate in the Slow Speed Saunter must use a Straight key, Side-swiper (cootie), or a bug. For details, see the club's policy on approved keying devices.

Non SKCC Members may use any key they have available during this event, but are encouraged to use a Straight Key, Side-swiper(Cootie), or Bug if possible.

Because this event aims to include newcomers to CW as well as experience brass-pounders, operating speed should be adjusted accordingly. 12 WPM or less is encouraged.

Call CQ at YOUR speed, answer a CQ at THEIR speed!

Please address any questions or ideas for improvement to the SSS Manager,


Participants may operate on 160-6 meters, excluding the WARC bands (60, 30, 17, and 12 meters). Suggested frequencies are on or around the SKCC calling frequencies: 1.813.5, 3.550, 7.038, 7.055 and 7.114, 14.050, 21.050 and 21.114, 28.050 and 28.114, and 50.090 Mhz. The club's sked page or other spotting tools are permitted for this event


The minimum exchange must include RST, SPC, operator name, and SKCC number. If you are not a club member, please send "NONE" for SKCC number. Please give a realistic RST, not a perfunctory 599 or 559. If you don't get a signal report, please ask for it. For SPC, US and Canadian stations should use their two-letter state or province abbreviation. All other countries send your 3-alpha SPC code found here.

This is an informal operating event, if you are not an SKCC member, please consider taking a moment to visit our home page and apply for a number, It's free!

QSO Reporting:

Please report the number of your completed contacts during the SSS by clicking on the "Report QSOs" link at the top of this page. You can also leave a comment and post a photo.

Please do! Your Report consists of just your Total Number of QSO’s and gives us an insight to the level of participation in the Slow Speed Saunter.

Logs are not required unless the Slow Speed Saunter manager requests them. The deadline for submitting or correcting your entry is 72 hours following the event. If you are correcting your entry, you must resubmit all your information, not just the item that needed the correction. If you are not a member of the SKCC, use "none" in place of SKCC number on the submissions page.