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Founded, January 2006
29,749 members strong
as of 11-Mar-2025

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SKCC Miles per Watt Award Certificate

After your Miles per Watt award or subsequent endorsements have been approved, you can create and download your award certificate simply by entering your Name, Callsign, Miles per Watt Award Number, and the Date your award was approved in the form below, then press the "Submit" button. A personalized Prefix Award certificate in PDF format will be presented, which you may save and print.

If you want a slash zero Ø, hold down the alt key and on your numeric keypad and enter 0216. Let off the alt key and you should see a slashed zero Ø.

If you make an error, just go back in your browser and redo it until you're satisfied with the layout.

Thanks for your participation in and support of The Straight Key Century Club.


Call Sign:

Award No.:

Date issued:

Example: 01 September 2014

Optional Endorsement:

Award Level: