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Founded, January 2006
29,719 members strong
as of 6-Mar-2025

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Remote Station Operation Guidelines

SKCC Key Policy

The Straight Key Century Club and its members are devoted to preserving the tradition and history of mechanically generated Morse code. Any device that changes the length, duration, or weight of a manually created code element, and/or includes software or firmware that can improve the operator’s original skill, will not meet SKCC’s Key Policy.

The Board of Directors will consider granting waivers for alternate keying devices due to physical limitations only for long-time active members with a strong record of participation.

SKCC Guidelines on Remotely Operated Stations

In order to maximize the use of hand keyed CW while maintaining equitable and friendly competition in SKCC activities members are urged to abide by the following honor system guidelines:

1. Remote station operation should be limited to situations where it is not possible to use one's own rig: restrictive living arrangements (apartments, senior facilities, HOAs); while traveling; as a temporary substitute for an inoperative rig; when overwhelming local QRN prevents reception of signals; to activate specially requested SPCs (by prior arrangement with SKCC Board).

2. Remote transmitters and/or receivers should not be used in a way as to gain an intentional competitive advantage in the pursuit of SKCC awards, endorsements, contests and events.

3. SKCC accepted key types only must be used. The remote station must transmit CW signals exactly as keyed by the operator; in other words, the transmitted signal must fully preserve all the timing and spacing characteristics of the operator's straight key "fist".

4. Operators must provide the SPC (State, Province or Country) of the remote transmitter location, not their operating location, in the initial SKCC QSO exchange.

5. SKCC geographic awards (WAS, DXCC) may have additional requirements for remote station operators.

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