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Rules for the SKCC Triple Key Award


The Triple Key Award promotes the use of all three SKCC accepted key types-- Straight Key, Semi-automatic (or bug), and Sideswiper (or cootie). It provides an incentive for members to operate with other key types than that with which they are most familiar.


Make contacts, in any sequence or order, with a total of 300 different SKCC members as follows:

- 100 contacts using your straight key
- 100 contacts using your bug            
- 100 contacts using your sideswiper

Please note: The total is 300 different SKCC members

The stations logged for these contacts don't need to be participating in the award and can use any accepted SKCC key type or exemption. Contacted stations do not need to state the type of key they are using during the QSO.


The on-air exchange is the usual SKCC QSO format with the additional requirement that you must mention what key type or brand/model you are using. For speedier exchanges, sprints, etc. you can use abbreviations ("SK" for straight key; "BUG"; or "SS" for sideswiper). Only contacts made on or after November 10, 2018 are valid.

How to Submit your Triple Key Award Application

Include QSO details plus the type of key you used for each contact.

The administrators process all applications on a PC. Thus, all data must be entered into a PC before processing can begin. If you maintain a log in ADIF format, there are a variety of logging and award processing programs available from the Files and Download Section. These programs will use your ADIF log file to create error-free application forms for you.

If you are submitting based on paper logs, there are two downloadable application forms available for your use: a Word file and an Excel file. Both forms are fully compatible with the free Open Office programs.

If for any reason you are unable to submit a computer-readable application, please contact the award administrator before submitting your application to discuss alternatives.

!!!Attention to All Members!!!

When submitting award applications, please ensure your callsign and the word "Application" are in the subject line. We are trying to reduce our spam and increase the spam filter success rate.

All questions and submissions about/for this award and its endorsements should be sent to:

Triple Key applications go to Dave, W3NP, the Triple Key Award Manager


Some abbreviations to facilitate award hunting:
3KA = Triple Key Award, 3K Award
SK = straight key used in QSO as "KEY SK"
BUG = semiautomatic key: used as "KEY BUG"
SS = sideswiper or cootie: used as "KEY SS"

Good Luck!