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Founded, January 2006
29,805 members strong
as of 25-Mar-2025

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SKCC 1,000 Miles per Watt Award

The SKCC 1,000 Miles per Watt Award has been established to recognize the achievement of contacting another SKCC member using QRP power limits over longer distances. This award is not affected by the C, T, or S status of a member. A QSO must meet the qualifications of (Distance of QSO) / (Power Output in Watts) = 1,000 miles or more. Only the station applying for the award must operate at QRP levels. QSOs made on or after Sept. 1, 2014, are eligible for this award.

Subsequent endorsements: Subsequent endorsements will be issued for separate contacts in 500 mile increments. The first award is earned with a distance of at least 1,000 miles per watt equivalent. The next award would have a threshold of 1,500 miles per watt and the third at 2,000 miles per watt equivalent with no upper limit.

This is an informal award between SKCC members so if you are not an SKCC member, take a moment to visit our home page and apply for a number. It's free!

Contact exchange

The minimum exchange must include RST, QTH, operator name, SKCC number, and power output. Please give a realistic RST, not a perfunctory 599 or 559. For QTH, US and Canadian stations should use their two-letter state or province abbreviation. Stations outside the US and Canada should use their IAAF country codes. You can find the country codes here.


Submit a log with QSO information containing the following: date, time, call, band, SKCC number of both stations in the QSO, location, distance covered, miles per watt using N9SSA's calculator (found here), site, antenna description, and power level used.


Only SKCC-approved key types are to be used. These include straight key, side-swiper (cootie), and semi-automatic keys (bugs). For details, see the club's policy on approved keying devices here.


The output power of the station applying for the award must be QRP, defined as 5 watts or less, for the entire QSO. The contact may not be initiated at high power then reduced to increase the MPW.

Distance calculation

The use of an open and unbiased website shall be used for as the standard for distance calculation. The N9SSA Distance and Miles per Watt Calculator provides such an unbiased distance calculation, based on latitude and longitude or grid squares of the two stations at the time of the contact. You can find that calculator here.


Operators may use any amateur-radio frequency allowed by their national licensing authority's regulations, based on an operator's class privileges. K3UK's sked page or other spotting tools are permitted for this award. Contacts made via amateur satellite are ineligible for this award.

!!!Attention to All Members!!!

When submitting award applications, please ensure your callsign and the word "Application" are in the subject line. We are trying to reduce our spam and increase the spam filter success rate.


You can download a simple application form here. All questions and submissions related to this award and its endorsements should be sent to:

Bill Nixon, W0EJ, SKCC #10440T,

Kevin Miller KI4DEF, SKCC #299T ,

Good Luck!