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Founded, January 2006
29,800 members strong
as of 23-Mar-2025

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QRP Award Rules

We all know how relatively easy it is to work stations at QRO power levels. This award aims to recognize stations operating with output powers of 5 watts or less.

This award is based on a points system to allow the QRPer a chance to shine at one of two levels. The 1xQRP award requires only that the applying station operate QRP as he or she accumulates points. The 2xQRP award requires that both stations in an exchange be operating at QRP power levels. For the 2xQRP award, the other station may start the QSO at high power, but must drop to QRP power levels to exchange RST, SKCC numbers, and power levels.

Both operators must be using a straight key, sideswiper, or bug for a QSO to qualify for either QRP award. For details, see the club's policy on approved keying devices here.

Logging details should include the following:

-- For 1xQRP: Date and time (both in UTC), band or frequency, SKCC number from both stations, and the power level from the applying station.
-- For 2xQRP: All of the above, plus the other operator's power level to confirm a 2xQRP QSO.

This information is needed so that when the award manager sends a check log to a station, that operator can easily find and verify the QSOs.

QSO points are distributed by band to encourage use of the lower bands. You may count contacts with the same station on multiple bands, but only once per band. Any band can be used to collect points for this award. Note: This now includes 60m, but only for QSOs made on that band on or after Sept. 1, 2013.

The points are as follows:

4 points for 160m
3 points for 80m, 10m
2 points for 60m, 40m, 30m
1 point for 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m
0.5 point for 6m and 2m

An applicant must accumulate 300 points for the 1xQRP award, and 150 points for the 2XQRP award.

!!!Attention to All Members!!!

When submitting award applications, please ensure your callsign and the word "Application" are in the subject line. We are trying to reduce our spam and increase the spam filter success rate.

All information with all exchange information can be emailed to Fred VE3FAL at: (Copy and paste this address into your email form.)