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Founded, January 2006
29,800 members strong
as of 23-Mar-2025

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The SKCC DX Awards

The SKCC DX Awards available are DXQ-10, DXC-10, DX*-25, and DX*-50 etc. (DX*-X, DX*-XXV, DX*-L etc.) Each is earned by making 10, 25, 50, etc. confirmed contacts with different countries on any band. And endorsement may be earned for members who work the DX operating QRP.

2 DX Awards:

The SKCC offers 2 different DX awards. DXQ is based on QSOs with SKCC members outside your own country; QSOs from more than one member per country count toward your totals. The DXC award is based on countries; only one QSO with each country can be counted. The rules are the same for the country-based award, except the start date for the DXC country-based award started on Dec. 19, 2009.

Definitions of DX:

SKCC DX is any entity listed in the ARRL DXCC Entities List, outside your own DXCC listed country. Stations on boats or planes operating legally within the 12-mile territorial limits of a DX entity are considered to be operating from that entity. As of March 15, 2015, maritime-mobile stations operating beyond a DX entity's 12-mile limit no longer qualify as DX stations. SKCC members and clubs operating legally from within another DX entity as previously defined are considered to be DX operating from that entity and eligible for awards and endorsements. You can find a list of DX entities here.

What makes a QSO countable?

For the QSO-based award, look at the country you worked. If it is the same country you are operating from, you may only count it once. Next, look at the SKCC number. If you worked that number in that DX country before, you can't count it more than once. For example, if you are a member living in the UK, you could work 10 different stateside SKCC members and earn SKCC DX10.

For the country-based award, you can count a country only once.


1. DX*-# is achieved when any SKCC member makes contact and exchanges SKCC numbers and name with # different SKCC DX members.

2. Only contacts made on or after 6/14/2009 can count for the DXQ QSO based awards.

3. Only contacts made on or after 12/19/2009 can count for the DXC Country based awards.

4. Both parties to the QSO must be SKCC members at the time of the contact.

5. Contacts can be made on any band at any time, including WARC bands.

6. QSOs must be made using a straight key, bug, or side swiper (cootie). For details, see the club's policy on approved keying devices here.

    !!!Attention to All Members!!!

When submitting award applications, please ensure your callsign and the word "Application" are in the subject line. We are trying to reduce our spam and increase the spam filter success rate.

Required Information:

All applications are processed on a PC by the DX manager. Thus, all data must be entered into the PC before processing can begin. It is strongly suggested that the SKCCLogger be used to create your DX Award Application to submit for this award. If, for any reason, you are unable to use the SKCCLogger, please contact the award administrator before submitting your application. You can download a MS Word format application here.

Email your application or any questions you have about the award to the SKCC DX manager,

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