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Founded, January 2006
29,800 members strong
as of 23-Mar-2025

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Canadian Maple Award Rules

An applicant is required to work one SKCC member from any 10 of the Provinces or Territories in the list provided below. Log info required: Date/Time, SKCC #, QTH, and band. Valid contacts made after 1 September 2009 for the Provinces and all contacts that include any of the three Territories will count after January 2014. All amateur HF bands 160-10 including WARC bands qualify.

All contacts may be used towards the other endorsement levels.

Participants must follow the club's policy on the use of use straight keys, sideswipers (cooties), or bugs. You can find the policy here.

Provinces and Territories

VE0 - Stations at sea VE8 - Northwest Territories
VA1/VE1 - Nova Scotia VE9 - New Brunswick
VA2/VE2 - Quebec VO1 - Newfoundland
VA3/VE3 - Ontario VO2 - Labrador
VA4/VE4 - Manitoba VY0 - Nunavut
VA5/VE5 - Saskatchewan VY1 - Yukon
VA6/VE6 - Alberta VY2 - Prince Edward Is.
VA7/VE7 - British Columbia VY9 - Government of Canada

Award Levels

Yellow Maple Award:
Work any 10 provinces or territories once on any mix of bands to qualify for this award.
(10 contacts)yellow

Orange Maple Award:
Work any 10 provinces or territories on a single band only to qualify for this award.
(10 contacts) Award for each

Red Maple Award:
Work any 10 provinces or territories on each of all nine bands to qualify for this award.
(90 contacts).red

Gold Maple Award:
Work any 10 provinces or territories on each of all nine bands QRP (5 watts or less at qualifying station end) to qualify for this award.
(90 contacts)gold

!!!Attention to All Members!!!

When submitting award applications, please ensure your callsign and the word "Application" are in the subject line. We are trying to reduce our spam and increase the spam filter success rate.

Please send all logs and questions to the SKCC Canadian Maple Award Manager, Fred VE3FAL: