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Founded, January 2006
29,820 members strong
as of 29-Mar-2025

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SKCC Monthly Brag for 2017

King of Brag based on highest reported score

Brag King by month
Top 12, this monthTop 12, year-to-date
Jan KA8HFN - Larry (411)
F6HKA - Bert (248)F6HKA - Bert (2674)
Feb N4IDH - Alton (219)
WB4DBO - Bill (216)KA3LOC - Ric (1814)
Mar F6HKA - Bert (337)KA3LOC - Ric (174)KA8HFN - Larry (961)
Apr F6HKA - Bert (249)
N4OW - Al (120)
AH6AX - Larry 933)
May F6HKA - Bert (182)KB1WOD - Dave (113)
KB1WOD - Dave (889)
Jun F6HKA - Bert (184) NK1N - Glen (113)N4OW - Al (868)
Jul KA3LOC - Ric (186) F5UQE - Duc (105)
KD9VT - Dave (865)
Aug F6HKA - Bert (174)
N3FLL - Frank (94)
WB4DBO - Bill (840)
Sep F6HKA - Bert (143)K5MP - Mike (93)
W8RDG - Ron (825)
Oct F6HKA - Bert (214) K9DAC - Tom (92)
K4CKO - Bob (812)
Nov F6HKA - Bert (215)W8RDG - Ron (85)
K5MP - Mile (764)
Dec F6HKA - Bert (248)KD9VT - Dave (78)
KA5TJS - Allen (762)

This month's comments

AC2C - Ron (16) Too many other distractions this month.
AE0EE - Bill (26) I spent more time on the air this month, and it's reflected in the higher number of contacts.  Much of my general operating this month was QRP using a kit radio that I built winter/spring of 2017, keyed with a Vibroplex bug or by sideswiping on the bug. Thanks for the QSOs!
AF4K - Bry (9) Been busy making crystals lately but still finding time for some great SKCC contacts and rag chews. 73 to all. Lost part of my log in a computer crash. Hence the low score :(
AK3X - Peter (27) Well, almost made my goal of 30. Anyway, keeping track of brags and everything else with paper and pencil keeps me happy. 72 and happy New Year to all. Peter
DK3DUA - Tom (8) Happy New Year and cu in K3Y 2018.
vy73 Thomas DK3DUA
F5DE - Bernard (23) It was nice to end the year 2017 with a little more contacts that previous months ! 73, see you all soon and Happy New Year !
F6HKA - Bert (248) Thanks everybody for the QSOs. 73,s Bert F6HKA
G0RDO - John (2) Just 2 this month.
73  John / G0RDO / SKCC 2133s
I5EFO - Emil (7) HNY 2018
73 de Emil, I5EFO (13262s)
K0KEX - Rick (45) A busy time for our family. Among the December contacts were 20 new SKCC contacts with two "Cricket" qso's..Best wishes to all in 2018  73 Rick member of Missouri Outlaws
K5MP - Mike (93) Busy month with Christmas and acquisition of two new keys tocomplement my trusty Begali Sculpture Swing Cootie. First came a new Vizkey Vertical Bug followed by a Begali Blade straight key,and then I had to spend the time to retrain my fist for each.  So, 93 Brags was best I could do with the time that remained.  Looks like January may hold promise for better Brag count, so looking forward to all the help I can get, especially if I can help boost your count for a higher rank.  Happy New Year to all.
K6III - Jerry (54) Another slow and difficult propagation month. But... Props WILL IMPROVE in 2018 (I hope!). Now ready to play in the K3Y activity.
KA3LOC - Ric (174) Thanks again to all who participated and make SKCC so much fun.  Hope God Blesses all in 2018.  73
KA5TJS - Allen (60) Well got some good DX this month despite the band conditions. Worked some QRP this month but mostly 50 watts to the 80 meter inverted vee. Enjoyed the year and looking forward to 2018. Hope to CU in K3Y and HNY to all.
KA8HFN - Larry (22) Thank You for the December 2017 Brag QSO's. GL es 73, Larry
KB1WOD - Dave (113) Good way to end the year. Exceeded my 3 brags a day goal. A really good year in general. HNY and thanks for all the brags 73
KB2HSH - John (4) Hello All!  Happy New Year...hope all is well in your lives.  Back to the SKCC after a year or so away.  New QTH has been challenging as far as radio is concerned due to my overly hyper XYL. Give an ankle biting yappy dog some get the idea.  The antenna has to be hidden or it's the end of the world.  So...if you worked me in 12/17, THANK YOU!!  73 de KB2HSH
KB3CVO - Tom (53) They also serve who only stand and wait
KD9VT - Dave (78) A little better this month. Thanks to all! 73 Dave
KJ1RE - Larry (17) Poor brag month to finish out the year but ready for 2018 and K3Y! Thank you to everyone I worked and Happy New Year to everyone!  
KT0G - Jeff (29) Decent month overall, enjoyed some extended hobby time. Looking forward to continued improvement of Morse skills in the new year.
KZ5OM - Jerry (42) another difficult propagation month.
N0NBD - Paul (60) The bands were pretty cruddy here in SE KS but I managed 60 qsos for the brag. It was fun. I was fortunate  to find and buy a LTA SKCC Marconi Key #120. It sure works nice. I think I am still short 2
QSOs for Tx4. Until next month 73 de Paul N0NBD 
N3PDT - Doug (39) My goal for brag this year was simply to submit every month. Well, I did it! Thanks to all for the QSOs, and hope to work you again in the coming year!
N4OW - Al (120) The final days of 2017 were great for bragging, the bands were chocked full of SKCC ops taking refuge from the super, cold weather. Best wishes to all for a fun year of bragging in 2018.  73 de N4ow, AL  
N4SNI - Angel (11) A great month for me in cw after getting my vanity callsig N4SNI on December 5th. Prevoius call was WP4OSQ, thanks to your support: ROBERT KG4KGL, RICH W9RAC, BOB N4QR, CHARLES KE4COH, JOHN
KD2FLX, LEE W2LMT, SAM K9GHD, BERT W5ZR, GLEN K8PSK, JERRY W8HOG AND KEN KD2KEH. I hope to make my first hundred soon. Only 45 since May 2017. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018
N5JPX - Jim (7) I'll be the first to admit that 7 isn't a big number but I'm bragging because 4 of those were done with 700mW from a Cricket transceiver!  With these band conditions and 700mW, you call CQ a lot and sometimes somebody answers you.  Thanks for the QSO's and I hope to have more for January.  73,  Jim
N8BB - Werner (3) Busy month for me.
NC1WX - Ben (16) My first "Brag" report. TY to an amazing group of CW ops.
NC4RT - Randy (1) I hesitated to post only 1 qso... but it was all I could get done in December.  Hoping for more (and already have them ;-) in January.  73
NF5U - Jerry (50) A very busy month with Christmas activities.  Happy New Year! 
VK7CW - Steve (21) Very happy to end the year with 21 Brags considering the conditions. Thanks to all who worked me and Happy New Year 2018 to all, 73 de Steve VK7CW 
W0RJW - Ed (47) Greetings to all. I'm so glad I became involved in SKCC. My brag this month is 47. I send a QSL to each contacted member and enjoy receiving replies. Use both a straight key and Vibroplex Bug,just like back in the 50's. If you hear me on, give me a shout. 73 Ed 
W1XT - Bob (32) This months operating time was cut short because of a family visit to the much colder Right Side of the USA.  But overall, a good year considering band conditions. HNY Everyone! Next up, K3Y fun for all. 
W3NP - Dave (44) Busy time of year = less time to fiddle with the shortwave wireless apparatus. I did put up a full size 160 meter Inverted L with 6 elevated radials and got on the air to make a few tests.
W4KRN - Karen (3) Better than Zero! :-D
W8RDG - Ron (85) December was a banner Month for me! Made the Big S! Now I'm relaxing a bit but still loving CW! Off to Florida soon, 73's and Happy New Year to all my SKCC Friends! Ron W8RDG
WA2JSG - Curt (34) Just a note of thanks to all who worked to keep our SKCC Brag alive and well in 2017.  I think 2018 will be a better year yet for our Brag.
WA4FQN - Jerry (39) Averaged a bit over 1 QSO per day in December.  Good to meet many for the first time.  Thanks to all for the QSO's.
WB4DBO - Bill (216) December was a good month for “Brag” contacts!  Perhaps there was more activity due to holidays with many people on vacation for the Holidays.
Statistically, the following is interesting.  Out of 216 Brag QSOs the following break down is shown:
76 QSOs from members with no C,T, or S designation.
8 QSOs with “C” designation
68 with “T” designation
64 with “S” designation
48 states were worked.
Many high number SKCC members were worked.  Was good to see the activity from members in the 17,000 number range.  I worked two brand
new 18,000 range members.
The SKCC Sked page was a good place early in the month to find new Brag numbers.  About half way through December the SKED Page was notas productive.  “Hunt and jump” and calling CQ was the most
productive strategy after the first few weeks.
December was my first Brag month using a new PanAdapter (PX3).  I find this a valuable tool to quickly move about the calling frequency area
to locate stations calling CQ.
I will be a K3Y/4 operator during January - probably will not be a Brag month for me.
Thank you to all those members who took the time to give me a Brag QSO.  Special recognition to the many new SKCC members. Thanks for jumping in the Brag Challenge.
WB4OMM - Steve (19) Not much of a month here - too many holidays, too much family!  But enjoyed that too!  Got a few in....will try harder "next year"  Hi hi !  NHY and 72/73 to all!
Steve WB4OMM
WB5JWI - Les (4) Only 5 contacts this month and one was not SKCC. A difficult month for radio work.
WB8YXF - Richard (15) Thank y'all for a wonderful year.  I know I did not make a lot of contacts, but hope to in the new year.  Please look for me as I am looking toward TX8 then S.  God bless, Fr Richard
WB9CAC - Bill (39) Still trying to capture the elusive Tx8..24 more to go.
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and wishing you a Happy New Year 
WI5H - Mike (31) I was not on the air much in December. CU in 2018. Happy New Year to all!
WU1V - Rick (2) Not a lot of activity this month, due to health concerns. Hope to be more active in January with the K3Y. 
WU7H - Josh (9) A whopping NINE for me this month, and I missed the WES =( Next month will be better!

Monthly counts in alphabetical order by call

Call - Operator Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
4X1WQ - Avi 90 11 23 4 2 5 2 3 3 37 9 189
AA4AZ - Ted 5 11 16
AB5XM - Allan 2 2 4 2 2 7 1 1 1 22
AC2C - Ron 210 13 26 21 21 13 17 13 10 21 27 16 408
AC8XU - Jon 42 72 63 177
AE0EE - Bill 2 2 2 5 5 1 4 5 3 3 3 26 61
AE4RM - Roger 7 8 17 32
AF2Z - Drew 268 27 4 7 12 3 17 8 346
AF4K - Bry 131 73 147 65 63 102 5 57 24 79 9 755
AF5AF - Rocky 159 25 95 28 307
AH6AX - Larry 136 142 105 66 23 49 30 106 88 44 87 57 933
AK3X - Peter 40 15 24 25 24 32 19 23 19 25 32 27 305
DK3DUA - Tom 31 51 71 8 22 24 2 3 3 7 1 8 231
DL9YCS - Joerg 130 24 27 8 5 4 8 6 6 8 8 26 260
F5DE - Bernard 9 1 5 2 5 4 3 3 4 7 23 66
F5UQE - Duc 117 76 67 56 35 50 78 61 105 645
F6HKA - Bert 340 203 337 249 182 184 185 174 143 214 215 248 2674
G0NMY - Mark 2 2
G0RDO - John 25 3 5 7 5 5 4 2 15 4 2 77
I5EFO - Emil 25 21 25 87 99 125 28 21 19 21 13 7 491
K0KEX - Rick 86 13 23 9 24 13 15 13 4 17 1 45 263
K1TSW - Tom 1 2 3
K2PAY - Jerry 19 16 12 22 5 1 7 5 3 5 95
K3CKO - Bob 77 89 91 88 73 26 142 63 41 36 42 44 812
K3ZGA - Bob 58 8 6 20 10 4 11 4 4 10 1 3 139
K4CML - Colin 13 13
K4DJ - Rich 129 47 49 11 10 2 11 22 38 93 77 26 515
K5KV - Benny 8 33 13 54
K5MP - Mike 97 71 67 67 39 48 27 13 126 116 93 764
K5TSK - Jim 37 37
K6III - Jerry 146 60 64 42 11 26 55 44 49 57 49 54 657
K6JEB - Jack 77 1 8 20 10 116
K7DD - Mike 24 5 29
K8JD - John 109 42 52 71 68 78 81 501
K8ZAA - Randy 98 64 54 60 52 48 26 39 51 47 31 42 612
K9DAC - Tom 27 13 26 16 16 24 57 56 96 72 61 92 556
K9IA - Chuck 55 27 48 33 14 18 15 23 10 10 9 262
K9OBX - Jeffrey 1 1
K9PLG - Paul 7 7
KA1FSX - Karl 73 55 128
KA2OSV - Jim 8 5 3 16
KA3LOC - Ric 180 106 130 145 139 143 186 133 137 182 159 174 1814
KA4GUM - Greg 2 2
KA5TJS - Allen 84 67 69 65 50 49 32 38 77 93 78 60 762
KA8HFN - Larry 411 34 50 18 4 27 46 16 74 173 86 22 961
KB0ETU - Phil 12 11 26 9 13 6 8 27 28 15 12 14 181
KB1WOD - Dave 62 80 81 71 11 74 78 94 91 84 50 113 889
KB1ZQ - Hal 5 5
KB2HSH - John 4 4
KB3CVO - Tom 42 55 61 38 35 29 37 39 41 36 50 53 516
KC0MYW - Nick 186 67 68 40 21 5 1 6 11 2 2 409
KC9UNL - Curt 17 21 47 60 20 46 45 37 25 37 44 399
KD2JQG - Marty 2 2 13 3 1 21
KD5RSS - Butch 38 16 6 10 10 15 17 18 14 4 17 165
KD9VT - Dave 309 67 46 91 53 47 47 45 26 56 78 865
KG5PFD  Joshua 30 51 81
KI8FV - Steve 4 1 5
KJ1RE - Larry 94 62 51 50 78 43 75 73 38 17 581
KK7H - Mike 25 9 18 19 71
KM4FO - Dwight 193 81 130 153 41 13 6 617
KM4WIP - Steven 13 13 9 35
KT0G - Jeff 36 53 12 24 17 16 4 5 19 5 29 220
KZ5OM - Jerry (Club) 65 50 65 46 20 46 16 14 18 55 48 42 485
N0JMS  Jonathon 7 5 12
N0NBD - Paul 106 23 52 42 89 68 52 78 60 570
N0PHU - Dwight 6 6 12
N1DBL - Doug 17 17
N1ZTY - Ron 3 3
N2BR - Bob 55 65 10 10 140
N3CKI - Dave 3 10 208 219 38 9 20 507
N3FLL - Frank 28 23 45 41 6 15 40 94 292
N3PDT - Doug 235 59 10 26 6 1 4 2 2 13 21 39 418
N3YUG - Jason 136 36 42 107 10 3 15 349
N4API - Brian 9 25 14 16 17 12 14 3 10 9 17 4 150
N4IDH - Alton 241 219 65 87 28 28 8 13 1 7 22 14 733
N4IVE - David 4 7 24 7 42
N4OW - Al 68 57 88 76 56 69 97 94 74 17 52 120 868
N4RAY - Rodney 43 22 17 14 10 1 6 113
N4SNI - Angel 1 2 2 4 7 7 12 11 46
N5JPX - Jim 6 9 3 4 17 11 7 57
N8BB - Werner 4 5 3 1 2 4 13 3 1 56 25 3 120
N8XI - Rick 52 102 62 6 8 16 132 25 13 45 60 69 590
N9RVW - Greg 25 20 60 105
N9SE - Marty 156 11 18 8 12 5 8 9 12 5 10 22 276
NB8F - Andy 54 50 81 185
NC1WX - Ben 16 16
NC4RT - Randy 10 14 6 1 31
NF1U - Fred 47 27 46 38 31 32 46 20 37 44 63 431
NF5U - Jerry 83 66 67 64 78 58 36 31 24 77 57 50 691
NK1N - Glen 113 113
NM1W - Jim 282 42 21 34 16 32 30 13 11 14 38 17 550
NP3CW - Julio 180 30 4 1 10 7 7 1 240
NX1K - Mark 3 5 8 24 11 3 1 10 24 89
ON7DQ - Luc 33 3 1 1 1 39
OS0S - Leon 44 13 119 86 17 7 3 35 12 46 382
SM5LIB - Ingemar 1 1
VA5CW - Bill 204 19 7 12 7 2 7 6 2 266
VE4DLA - David 6 7 7 2 22
VK7CW - Steve 82 24 31 22 69 100 55 58 51 33 18 21 564
W0RJW - Ed 25 47 72
W0SZV - Eldon 81 5 1 1 3 1 4 15 1 112
W1LIC - Wes 4 4
W1TAG - John 149 14 4 12 24 40 48 20 21 22 354
W1XT - Bob 106 62 32 22 18 31 26 41 34 41 36 32 481
W2NRA - Art 311 66 50 10 7 12 2 14 22 26 520
W2SFD - George 13 11 24
W3NP - Dave 161 90 53 52 100 58 53 75 74 44 760
W4AFB - Keith 62 32 50 144
W4FOA - Tony 59 66 15 16 20 16 26 15 5 6 12 37 293
W4KKY - Greg 6 2 3 7 6 14 7 3 48
W4KRN - Karen 150 5 1 1 3 160
W4NG - Elton 13 2 6 3 12 3 2 1 8 58 60 23 191
W4TDV - Tom 41 56 69 166
W4YG - John 11 8 19
W8AIM - Jay 7 11 13 1 7 1 40
W8BUD - Bud 80 80
W8RDG - Ron 19 15 11 11 110 101 102 53 105 123 90 85 825
WA0LIF  Richard 51 33 4 88
WA2JSG - Curt 110 30 31 33 12 29 17 20 24 25 24 34 389
WA3GM -Greg 70 79 27 37 9 6 53 281
WA4FQN - Jerry 15 77 70 65 77 34 39 377
WA9ZDC - Swart 27 52 45 3 2 3 132
WB1AJX  Howard 94 10 5 3 10 6 2 4 134
WB4DBO - Bill 129 239 59 51 146 216 840
WB4OMM  Steve 21 39 31 19 110
WB5JWI - Les 51 17 19 17 40 4 148
WB6IZG - Bruce 69 54 123
WB8YXF Richard 4 10 19 18 10 19 5 4 2 4 15 15 125
WB9CAC - Bill 118 34 31 45 48 8 40 17 24 21 37 39 462
WI5H - Mike 20 40 80 62 91 31 324
WL7WH - Bob 85 5 7 3 2 2 5 5 11 125
WN4NRR - Bry 88 88
WU1V - Rick 1 7 10 2 20
WU7H - Josh 21 45 1 8 8 48 9 140
WV8DH - Dave 49 41 20 31 26 35 202
ZS6SVJ  Stephen 22 22

                    Monthly count by months participating

Call - Operator Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec # of Months
AC2C - Ron 210 13 26 21 21 13 17 13 10 21 27 16 12
AE0EE - Bill 2 2 2 5 5 1 4 5 3 3 3 26 12
AH6AX - Larry 136 142 105 66 23 49 30 106 88 44 87 57 12
AK3X - Peter 40 15 24 25 24 32 19 23 19 25 32 27 12
DK3DUA - Tom 31 51 71 8 22 24 2 3 3 7 1 8 12
DL9YCS  Joerg 130 24 27 8 5 4 8 6 6 8 8 26 12
F6HKA - Bert 340 203 337 249 182 184 185 174 143 214 215 248 12
I5EFO - Emil 25 21 25 87 99 125 28 21 19 21 13 7 12
K0KEX - Rick 86 13 23 9 24 13 15 13 4 17 1 45 12
K3CKO - Bob 77 89 91 88 73 26 142 63 41 36 42 44 12
K3ZGA - Bob 58 8 6 20 10 4 11 4 4 10 1 3 12
K4DJ - Rich 129 47 49 11 10 2 11 22 38 93 77 26 12
K6III - Jerry 146 60 64 42 11 26 55 44 49 57 49 54 12
K8ZAA - Randy 98 64 54 60 52 48 26 39 51 47 31 42 12
K9DAC - Tom 27 13 26 16 16 24 57 56 96 72 61 92 12
KA3LOC - Ric 180 106 130 145 139 143 186 133 137 182 159 174 12
KA5TJS - Allen 84 67 69 65 50 49 32 38 77 93 78 60 12
KA8HFN - Larry 411 34 50 18 4 27 46 16 74 173 86 22 12
KB0ETU - Phil 12 11 26 9 13 6 8 27 28 15 12 14 12
KB1WOD  Dave 62 80 81 71 11 74 78 94 91 84 50 113 12
KB3CVO - Tom 42 55 61 38 35 29 37 39 41 36 50 53 12
KZ5OM - Jerry (Club) 65 50 65 46 20 46 16 14 18 55 48 42 12
N3PDT - Doug 235 59 10 26 6 1 4 2 2 13 21 39 12
N4API - Brian 9 25 14 16 17 12 14 3 10 9 17 4 12
N4IDH - Alton 241 219 65 87 28 28 8 13 1 7 22 14 12
N4OW - Al 68 57 88 76 56 69 97 94 74 17 52 120 12
N8BB - Werner 4 5 3 1 2 4 13 3 1 56 25 3 12
N8XI - Rick 52 102 62 6 8 16 132 25 13 45 60 69 12
N9SE - Marty 156 11 18 8 12 5 8 9 12 5 10 22 12
NF5U - Jerry 83 66 67 64 78 58 36 31 24 77 57 50 12
NM1W - Jim 282 42 21 34 16 32 30 13 11 14 38 17 12
VK7CW - Steve 82 24 31 22 69 100 55 58 51 33 18 21 12
W1XT - Bob 106 62 32 22 18 31 26 41 34 41 36 32 12
W4FOA - Tony 59 66 15 16 20 16 26 15 5 6 12 37 12
W4NG - Elton 13 2 6 3 12 3 2 1 8 58 60 23 12
W8RDG - Ron 19 15 11 11 110 101 102 53 105 123 90 85 12
WA2JSG - Curt 110 30 31 33 12 29 17 20 24 25 24 34 12
WB8YXF Richard 4 10 19 18 10 19 5 4 2 4 15 15 12
WB9CAC - Bill 118 34 31 45 48 8 40 17 24 21 37 39 12
4X1WQ - Avi 90 11 23 4 2 5 2 3 3 37 9 11
AF4K - Bry 131 73 147 65 63 102 5 57 24 79 9 11
F5DE - Bernard 9 1 5 2 5 4 3 3 4 7 23 11
G0RDO - John 25 3 5 7 5 5 4 2 15 4 2 11
K5MP - Mike 97 71 67 67 39 48 27 13 126 116 93 11
K9IA - Chuck 55 27 48 33 14 18 15 23 10 10 9 11
KC0MYW - Nick 186 67 68 40 21 5 1 6 11 2 2 11
KC9UNL - Curt 17 21 47 60 20 46 45 37 25 37 44 11
KD5RSS - Butch 38 16 6 10 10 15 17 18 14 4 17 11
KD9VT - Dave 309 67 46 91 53 47 47 45 26 56 78 11
KT0G - Jeff 36 53 12 24 17 16 4 5 19 5 29 11
NF1U - Fred 47 27 46 38 31 32 46 20 37 44 63 11
K2PAY - Jerry 19 16 12 22 5 1 7 5 3 5 10
KJ1RE - Larry 94 62 51 50 78 43 75 73 38 17 10
OS0S - Leon 44 13 119 86 17 7 3 35 12 46 10
W1TAG - John 149 14 4 12 24 40 48 20 21 22 10
W2NRA - Art 311 66 50 10 7 12 2 14 22 26 10
W3NP - Dave 161 90 53 52 100 58 53 75 74 44 10
AB5XM - Allan 2 2 4 2 2 7 1 1 1 9
F5UQE - Duc 117 76 67 56 35 50 78 61 105 9
N0NBD - Paul 106 23 52 42 89 68 52 78 60 9
NX1K - Mark 3 5 8 24 11 3 1 10 24 9
VA5CW - Bill 204 19 7 12 7 2 7 6 2 9
W0SZV - Eldon 81 5 1 1 3 1 4 15 1 9
WL7WH - Bob 85 5 7 3 2 2 5 5 11 9
AF2Z - Drew 268 27 4 7 12 3 17 8 8
N3FLL - Frank 28 23 45 41 6 15 40 94 8
N4SNI - Angel 1 2 2 4 7 7 12 11 8
NP3CW - Julio 180 30 4 1 10 7 7 1 8
W4KKY - Greg 6 2 3 7 6 14 7 3 8
WB1AJX - Howard 94 10 5 3 10 6 2 4 8
K8JD - John 109 42 52 71 68 78 81 7
KM4FO - Dwight 193 81 130 153 41 13 6 7
N3CKI - Dave 3 10 208 219 38 9 20 7
N3YUG - Jason 136 36 42 107 10 3 15 7
N4RAY - Rodney 43 22 17 14 10 1 6 7
N5JPX - Jim 6 9 3 4 17 11 7 7
WA3GM -Greg 70 79 27 37 9 6 53 7
WA4FQN - Jerry 15 77 70 65 77 34 39 7
WU7H - Josh 21 45 1 8 8 48 9 7
W8AIM - Jay 7 11 13 1 7 1 6
WA9ZDC - Swart 27 52 45 3 2 3 6
WB4DBO - Bill 129 239 59 51 146 216 6
WB5JWI - Les 51 17 19 17 40 4 6
WI5H - Mike 20 40 80 62 91 31 6
WV8DH - Dave 49 41 20 31 26 35 6
K6JEB - Jack 77 1 8 20 10 5
KD2JQG - Marty 2 2 13 3 1 5
ON7DQ - Luc 33 3 1 1 1 5
W4KRN - Karen 150 5 1 1 3 5
AF5AF - Rocky 159 25 95 28 4
KK7H - Mike 25 9 18 19 4
N2BR - Bob 55 65 10 10 4
N4IVE - David 4 7 24 7 4
NC4RT - Randy 10 14 6 1 4
VE4DLA - David 6 7 7 2 4
WB4OMM - Steve 21 39 31 19 4
WU1V - Rick 1 7 10 2 4
AC8XU - Jon 42 72 63 3
AE4RM - Roger 7 8 17 3
K5KV - Benny 8 33 13 3
KA2OSV - Jim 8 5 3 3
KM4WIP - Steven 13 13 9 3
N9RVW - Greg 25 20 60 3
NB8F - Andy 54 50 81 3
W4AFB - Keith 62 32 50 3
W4TDV - Tom 41 56 69 3
WA0LIF - Richard 51 33 4 3
AA4AZ - Ted 5 11 2
K1TSW - Tom 1 2 2
K7DD - Mike 24 5 2
KA1FSX - Karl 73 55 2
KG5PFD - Joshua 30 51 2
KI8FV - Steve 4 1 2
N0JMS - Jonathon 7 5 2
N0PHU - Dwight 6 6 2
W0RJW - Ed 25 47 2
W2SFD - George 13 11 2
W4YG - John 11 8 2
WB6IZG - Bruce 69 54 2
G0NMY - Mark 2 1
K4CML - Colin 13 1
K5TSK - Jim 37 1
K9OBX - Jeffrey 1 1
K9PLG - Paul 7 1
KA4GUM - Greg 2 1
KB1ZQ - Hal 5 1
KB2HSH - John 4 1
N1DBL - Doug 17 1
N1ZTY - Ron 3 1
NC1WX - Ben 16 1
NK1N - Glen 113 1
SM5LIB - Ingemar 1 1
W1LIC - Wes 4 1
W8BUD - Bud 80 1
WN4NRR - Bry 88 1
ZS6SVJ - Stephen 22 1

QSOs by this month's total

Call - Operator Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
F6HKA - Bert 340 203 337 249 182 184 185 174 143 214 215 248 2674
WB4DBO - Bill 129 239 59 51 146 216 840
KA3LOC - Ric 180 106 130 145 139 143 186 133 137 182 159 174 1814
N4OW - Al 68 57 88 76 56 69 97 94 74 17 52 120 868
KB1WOD  Dave 62 80 81 71 11 74 78 94 91 84 50 113 889
NK1N - Glen 113 113
F5UQE - Duc 117 76 67 56 35 50 78 61 105 645
N3FLL - Frank 28 23 45 41 6 15 40 94 292
K5MP - Mike 97 71 67 67 39 48 27 13 126 116 93 764
K9DAC - Tom 27 13 26 16 16 24 57 56 96 72 61 92 556
W8RDG - Ron 19 15 11 11 110 101 102 53 105 123 90 85 825
KD9VT - Dave 309 67 46 91 53 47 47 45 26 56 78 865
N8XI - Rick 52 102 62 6 8 16 132 25 13 45 60 69 590
NF1U - Fred 47 27 46 38 31 32 46 20 37 44 63 431
KA5TJS - Allen 84 67 69 65 50 49 32 38 77 93 78 60 762
N0NBD - Paul 106 23 52 42 89 68 52 78 60 570
N9RVW - Greg 25 20 60 105
AH6AX - Larry 136 142 105 66 23 49 30 106 88 44 87 57 933
KA1FSX - Karl 73 55 128
K6III - Jerry 146 60 64 42 11 26 55 44 49 57 49 54 657
WB6IZG - Bruce 69 54 123
KB3CVO - Tom 42 55 61 38 35 29 37 39 41 36 50 53 516
NF5U - Jerry 83 66 67 64 78 58 36 31 24 77 57 50 691
W4AFB - Keith 62 32 50 144
W0RJW - Ed 25 47 72
OS0S - Leon 44 13 119 86 17 7 3 35 12 46 382
K0KEX - Rick 86 13 23 9 24 13 15 13 4 17 1 45 263
K3CKO - Bob 77 89 91 88 73 26 142 63 41 36 42 44 812
KC9UNL - Curt 17 21 47 60 20 46 45 37 25 37 44
W3NP - Dave 161 90 53 52 100 58 53 75 74 44 760
K8ZAA - Randy 98 64 54 60 52 48 26 39 51 47 31 42 612
KZ5OM - Jerry (Club) 65 50 65 46 20 46 16 14 18 55 48 42 485
N3PDT - Doug 235 59 10 26 6 1 4 2 2 13 21 39 418
WA4FQN  Jerry 15 77 70 65 77 34 39 377
WB9CAC - Bill 118 34 31 45 48 8 40 17 24 21 37 39 462
W4FOA - Tony 59 66 15 16 20 16 26 15 5 6 12 37 293
WV8DH - Dave 49 41 20 31 26 35 202
WA2JSG - Curt 110 30 31 33 12 29 17 20 24 25 24 34 389
W1XT - Bob 106 62 32 22 18 31 26 41 34 41 36 32 481
WI5H - Mike 20 40 80 62 91 31 324
KT0G - Jeff 36 53 12 24 17 16 4 5 19 5 29 220
AK3X - Peter 40 15 24 25 24 32 19 23 19 25 32 27 305
AE0EE - Bill 2 2 2 5 5 1 4 5 3 3 3 26 61
DL9YCS - Joerg 130 24 27 8 5 4 8 6 6 8 8 26 260
K4DJ - Rich 129 47 49 11 10 2 11 22 38 93 77 26
W2NRA - Art 311 66 50 10 7 12 2 14 22 26 520
F5DE - Bernard 9 1 5 2 5 4 3 3 4 7 23 66
W4NG - Elton 13 2 6 3 12 3 2 1 8 58 60 23 191
KA8HFN - Larry 411 34 50 18 4 27 46 16 74 173 86 22 961
N9SE - Marty 156 11 18 8 12 5 8 9 12 5 10 22 276
VK7CW - Steve 82 24 31 22 69 100 55 58 51 33 18 21 564
KK7H - Mike 25 9 18 19 71
WB4OMM Steve 21 39 31 19 110
KD5RSS - Butch 38 16 6 10 10 15 17 18 14 4 17 165
KJ1RE - Larry 94 62 51 50 78 43 75 73 38 17 581
NM1W - Jim 282 42 21 34 16 32 30 13 11 14 38 17 550
AC2C - Ron 210 13 26 21 21 13 17 13 10 21 27 16 408
NC1WX - Ben 16 16
WB8YXF  Richard 4 10 19 18 10 19 5 4 2 4 15 15 125
KB0ETU - Phil 12 11 26 9 13 6 8 27 28 15 12 14 181
N4IDH - Alton 241 219 65 87 28 28 8 13 1 7 22 14 733
K5KV - Benny 8 33 13 54
N4SNI - Angel 1 2 2 4 7 7 12 11 46
WL7WH - Bob 85 5 7 3 2 2 5 5 11 125
4X1WQ - Avi 90 11 23 4 2 5 2 3 3 37 9 189
AF4K - Bry 131 73 147 65 63 102 5 57 24 79 9 755
K9IA - Chuck 55 27 48 33 14 18 15 23 10 10 9 262
WU7H - Josh 21 45 1 8 8 48 9 140
DK3DUA - Tom 31 51 71 8 22 24 2 3 3 7 1 8 231
I5EFO - Emil 25 21 25 87 99 125 28 21 19 21 13 7 491
N5JPX - Jim 6 9 3 4 17 11 7 57
N4RAY - Rodney 43 22 17 14 10 1 6 113
KB2HSH - John 4 4
N4API - Brian 9 25 14 16 17 12 14 3 10 9 17 4 150
WB5JWI - Les 51 17 19 17 40 4 148
K3ZGA - Bob 58 8 6 20 10 4 11 4 4 10 1 3 139
N8BB - Werner 4 5 3 1 2 4 13 3 1 56 25 3 120
W4KRN - Karen 150 5 1 1 3 160
G0RDO - John 25 3 5 7 5 5 4 2 15 4 2 77
KC0MYW - Nick 186 67 68 40 21 5 1 6 11 2 2 409
WU1V - Rick 1 7 10 2 20
NC4RT - Randy 10 14 6 1 31
W0SZV - Eldon 81 5 1 1 3 1 4 15 1 112
AA4AZ - Ted 5 11 16
AB5XM - Allan 2 2 4 2 2 7 1 1 1 22
AC8XU - Jon 42 72 63 177
AE4RM - Roger 7 8 17 32
AF2Z - Drew 268 27 4 7 12 3 17 8 346
AF5AF - Rocky 159 25 95 28 307
G0NMY - Mark 2 2
K1TSW - Tom 1 2 3
K2PAY - Jerry 19 16 12 22 5 1 7 5 3 5 95
K4CML - Colin 13 13
K5TSK - Jim 37 37
K6JEB - Jack 77 1 8 20 10 116
K7DD - Mike 24 5 29
K8JD - John 109 42 52 71 68 78 81 501
K9OBX - Jeffrey 1 1
K9PLG - Paul 7 7
KA2OSV - Jim 8 5 3 16
KA4GUM - Greg 2 2
KB1ZQ - Hal 5 5
KD2JQG - Marty 2 2 13 3 1 21
KG5PFD  Joshua 30 51 81
KI8FV - Steve 4 1 5
KM4FO - Dwight 193 81 130 153 41 13 6 617
KM4WIP - Steven 13 13 9 35
N0JMS - Jonathon 7 5 12
N0PHU - Dwight 6 6 12
N1DBL - Doug 17 17
N1ZTY - Ron 3 3
N2BR - Bob 55 65 10 10 140
N3CKI - Dave 3 10 208 219 38 9 20 507
N3YUG - Jason 136 36 42 107 10 3 15 349
N4IVE - David 4 7 24 7 42
NB8F - Andy 54 50 81 185
NP3CW - Julio 180 30 4 1 10 7 7 1 240
NX1K - Mark 3 5 8 24 11 3 1 10 24 89
ON7DQ - Luc 33 3 1 1 1 39
SM5LIB - Ingemar 1 1
VA5CW - Bill 204 19 7 12 7 2 7 6 2 266
VE4DLA - David 6 7 7 2 22
W1LIC - Wes 4 4
W1TAG - John 149 14 4 12 24 40 48 20 21 22 354
W2SFD - George 13 11 24
W4KKY - Greg 6 2 3 7 6 14 7 3 48
W4TDV - Tom 41 56 69 166
W4YG - John 11 8 19
W8AIM - Jay 7 11 13 1 7 1 40
W8BUD - Bud 80 80
WA0LIF - Richard 51 33 4 88
WA3GM -Greg 70 79 27 37 9 6 53 281
WA9ZDC - Swart 27 52 45 3 2 3 132
WB1AJX - Howard 94 10 5 3 10 6 2 4 134
WN4NRR - Bry 88 88
ZS6SVJ - Stephen 22 22

QSOs by YTD total

Call - Operator Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
F6HKA - Bert 340 203 337 249 182 184 185 174 143 214 215 248 2674
KA3LOC - Ric 180 106 130 145 139 143 186 133 137 182 159 174 1814
KA8HFN - Larry 411 34 50 18 4 27 46 16 74 173 86 22 961
AH6AX - Larry 136 142 105 66 23 49 30 106 88 44 87 57 933
KB1WOD - Dave 62 80 81 71 11 74 78 94 91 84 50 113 889
N4OW - Al 68 57 88 76 56 69 97 94 74 17 52 120 868
KD9VT - Dave 309 67 46 91 53 47 47 45 26 56 78 865
WB4DBO - Bill 129 239 59 51 146 216 840
W8RDG - Ron 19 15 11 11 110 101 102 53 105 123 90 85 825
K3CKO - Bob 77 89 91 88 73 26 142 63 41 36 42 44 812
K5MP - Mike 97 71 67 67 39 48 27 13 126 116 93 764
KA5TJS - Allen 84 67 69 65 50 49 32 38 77 93 78 60 762
W3NP - Dave 161 90 53 52 100 58 53 75 74 44 760
AF4K - Bry 131 73 147 65 63 102 5 57 24 79 9 755
N4IDH - Alton 241 219 65 87 28 28 8 13 1 7 22 14 733
NF5U - Jerry 83 66 67 64 78 58 36 31 24 77 57 50 691
K6III - Jerry 146 60 64 42 11 26 55 44 49 57 49 54 657
F5UQE - Duc 117 76 67 56 35 50 78 61 105 645
KM4FO - Dwight 193 81 130 153 41 13 6 617
K8ZAA - Randy 98 64 54 60 52 48 26 39 51 47 31 42 612
N8XI - Rick 52 102 62 6 8 16 132 25 13 45 60 69 590
KJ1RE - Larry 94 62 51 50 78 43 75 73 38 17 581
N0NBD - Paul 106 23 52 42 89 68 52 78 60 570
VK7CW - Steve 82 24 31 22 69 100 55 58 51 33 18 21 564
K9DAC - Tom 27 13 26 16 16 24 57 56 96 72 61 92 556
NM1W - Jim 282 42 21 34 16 32 30 13 11 14 38 17 550
W2NRA - Art 311 66 50 10 7 12 2 14 22 26 520
KB3CVO - Tom 42 55 61 38 35 29 37 39 41 36 50 53 516
K4DJ - Rich 129 47 49 11 10 2 11 22 38 93 77 26 515
N3CKI - Dave 3 10 208 219 38 9 20 507
K8JD - John 109 42 52 71 68 78 81 501
I5EFO - Emil 25 21 25 87 99 125 28 21 19 21 13 7 491
KZ5OM - Jerry (Club) 65 50 65 46 20 46 16 14 18 55 48 42 485
W1XT - Bob 106 62 32 22 18 31 26 41 34 41 36 32 481
WB9CAC - Bill 118 34 31 45 48 8 40 17 24 21 37 39 462
NF1U - Fred 47 27 46 38 31 32 46 20 37 44 63 431
N3PDT - Doug 235 59 10 26 6 1 4 2 2 13 21 39 418
KC0MYW - Nick 186 67 68 40 21 5 1 6 11 2 2 409
AC2C - Ron 210 13 26 21 21 13 17 13 10 21 27 16 408
KC9UNL - Curt 17 21 47 60 20 46 45 37 25 37 44 399
WA2JSG - Curt 110 30 31 33 12 29 17 20 24 25 24 34 389
OS0S - Leon 44 13 119 86 17 7 3 35 12 46 382
WA4FQN - Jerry 15 77 70 65 77 34 39 377
W1TAG - John 149 14 4 12 24 40 48 20 21 22 354
N3YUG - Jason 136 36 42 107 10 3 15 349
AF2Z - Drew 268 27 4 7 12 3 17 8 346
WI5H - Mike 20 40 80 62 91 31 324
AF5AF - Rocky 159 25 95 28 307
AK3X - Peter 40 15 24 25 24 32 19 23 19 25 32 27 305
W4FOA - Tony 59 66 15 16 20 16 26 15 5 6 12 37 293
N3FLL - Frank 28 23 45 41 6 15 40 94 292
WA3GM -Greg 70 79 27 37 9 6 53 281
N9SE - Marty 156 11 18 8 12 5 8 9 12 5 10 22 276
VA5CW - Bill 204 19 7 12 7 2 7 6 2 266
K0KEX - Rick 86 13 23 9 24 13 15 13 4 17 1 45 263
K9IA - Chuck 55 27 48 33 14 18 15 23 10 10 9 262
DL9YCS - Joerg 130 24 27 8 5 4 8 6 6 8 8 26 260
NP3CW - Julio 180 30 4 1 10 7 7 1 240
DK3DUA - Tom 31 51 71 8 22 24 2 3 3 7 1 8 231
KT0G - Jeff 36 53 12 24 17 16 4 5 19 5 29 220
WV8DH - Dave 49 41 20 31 26 35 202
W4NG - Elton 13 2 6 3 12 3 2 1 8 58 60 23 191
4X1WQ - Avi 90 11 23 4 2 5 2 3 3 37 9 189
NB8F - Andy 54 50 81 185
KB0ETU - Phil 12 11 26 9 13 6 8 27 28 15 12 14 181
AC8XU - Jon 42 72 63 177
W4TDV - Tom 41 56 69 166
KD5RSS - Butch 38 16 6 10 10 15 17 18 14 4 17 165
W4KRN - Karen 150 5 1 1 3 160
N4API - Brian 9 25 14 16 17 12 14 3 10 9 17 4 150
WB5JWI - Les 51 17 19 17 40 4 148
W4AFB - Keith 62 32 50 144
N2BR - Bob 55 65 10 10 140
WU7H - Josh 21 45 1 8 8 48 9 140
K3ZGA - Bob 58 8 6 20 10 4 11 4 4 10 1 3 139
WB1AJX  Howard 94 10 5 3 10 6 2 4 134
WA9ZDC - Swart 27 52 45 3 2 3 132
KA1FSX - Karl 73 55 128
WB8YXF Richard 4 10 19 18 10 19 5 4 2 4 15 15 125
WL7WH - Bob 85 5 7 3 2 2 5 5 11 125
WB6IZG - Bruce 69 54 123
N8BB - Werner 4 5 3 1 2 4 13 3 1 56 25 3 120
K6JEB - Jack 77 1 8 20 10 116
N4RAY - Rodney 43 22 17 14 10 1 6 113
NK1N - Glen 113 113
W0SZV - Eldon 81 5 1 1 3 1 4 15 1 112
WB4OMM - Steve 21 39 31 19 110
N9RVW - Greg 25 20 60 105
K2PAY - Jerry 19 16 12 22 5 1 7 5 3 5 95
NX1K - Mark 3 5 8 24 11 3 1 10 24 89
WA0LIF - Richard 51 33 4 88
WN4NRR - Bry 88 88
KG5PFD - Joshua 30 51 81
W8BUD - Bud 80 80
G0RDO - John 25 3 5 7 5 5 4 2 15 4 2 77
W0RJW - Ed 25 47 72
KK7H - Mike 25 9 18 19 71
F5DE - Bernard 9 1 5 2 5 4 3 3 4 7 23 66
AE0EE - Bill 2 2 2 5 5 1 4 5 3 3 3 26 61
N5JPX - Jim 6 9 3 4 17 11 7 57
K5KV - Benny 8 33 13 54
W4KKY - Greg 6 2 3 7 6 14 7 3 48
N4SNI - Angel 1 2 2 4 7 7 12 11 46
N4IVE - David 4 7 24 7 42
W8AIM - Jay 7 11 13 1 7 1 40
ON7DQ - Luc 33 3 1 1 1 39
K5TSK - Jim 37 37
KM4WIP - Steven 13 13 9 35
AE4RM - Roger 7 8 17 32
NC4RT - Randy 10 14 6 1 31
K7DD - Mike 24 5 29
W2SFD - George 13 11 24
AB5XM - Allan 2 2 4 2 2 7 1 1 1 22
VE4DLA - David 6 7 7 2 22
ZS6SVJ - Stephen 22 22
KD2JQG - Marty 2 2 13 3 1 21
WU1V - Rick 1 7 10 2 20
W4YG - John 11 8 19
N1DBL - Doug 17 17
AA4AZ - Ted 5 11 16
KA2OSV - Jim 8 5 3 16
NC1WX - Ben 16 16
K4CML - Colin 13 13
N0JMS - Jonathon 7 5 12
N0PHU - Dwight 6 6 12
K9PLG - Paul 7 7
KB1ZQ - Hal 5 5
KI8FV - Steve 4 1 5
KB2HSH - John 4 4
W1LIC - Wes 4 4
K1TSW - Tom 1 2 3
N1ZTY - Ron 3 3
G0NMY - Mark 2 2
KA4GUM - Greg 2 2
K9OBX - Jeffrey 1 1
SM5LIB - Ingemar 1 1

Previous comments by month/call

AC2C - Ron (210) Very busy month operating and chasing K3Y stations.
AE4RM - Roger (7) Took over a month off due to medical reasons, just getting back in the swing of things.
AF4K - Bry (131) Not a bad month! Good to hear from everybody. I have been rebuilding the station and getting ready for NOVICE RIG ROUNDUP FEB 18 - 27th UTC. See you on the air soon. 73 from Florida
AF5AF - Rocky (159) All I can say is WOW!...202 total QSOs, 159 distint for Brag, Tx8, S Quest = 92 and counting.  41 K3Ys, KEY-0P (exciting and humbling)...AND...I scored a Begali Camel-Back Key.  This has been a banner month.. #HappyDance #AlreadyLookingForwardToK3Y2018   Thx to all who contributed to my personal best this month.
AH6AX - Larry (136) Had fun as K3Y/3 for some of the brag QSOs!
AK3X - Peter (40) Busy month chasing and never hearing K3Y/KL7. Oh well, lots
of brags. Hope everyone had as much fun as I did.
DK3DUA - Tom (30) My first month in SKCC. Hope to reach 100 #'s before I become 100 myself ;-) HNY to all , cu
G0RDO - John (25) Exhausted after gaining my "S" ( 8 years to get there from the "T") I spent some time getting my breath back and quite pleased with my Brag score. Propagation remains dreadful though HI
73 John / G0RDO / SKCC 2133S
K0KEX - Rick (86) To all that made the K3Y 11th Anniversary a memorable event.
70 K3Y after dupes & 16 brag contacts kept the keys busy here. Thank
you to the SKCC/K3Y coordinators, the K3Y Op's, and all members for a
great time… 73 Rick  k0kex
K3ZGA - Bob (58)  Happy New Year, all! Thanks for the great contacts.
K5MP - Mike (97) While K3Y helped bring folks out of their hidey holes, personal schedule conflicts limited my opportunity to take full advantage.  On another front, as I now embark on my Sx3 quest I kindly request all those new "Ts" to come out and play, along with all the "S's" who represent new NRs for all of us eager to progress up the
ladder of recognition.
K6III - Jerry (146) 100w, 2el beam, vertical and wires.  Managed the Grand Sweep on 20m and USA sweeps on 20, 30, 40 & 80.  KH6 worked on all bands, 10 thru 160 (TNX KH6ZM !).  QSOs on the higher frequencies (10-17) were quite sparse.  Had no luck trying to log Avi in 4x-Land.  Glad to log Riko in JA for k3y/AS counter.  /SA was also a difficult path.  Logged 42 K3Y States.  The SKCC Sked page and the K3Y page were a great help.  GLAD to hear the sked page will continue under new management. The K7MJG sked page is also a useful SKCC resource .
K6JEB - Jack (77)  It was fun to be K3Y/6 again and to have some regular times I had to just get on and operate.
K8JD - John (109) The first month of the year, with the K3Y activities, seem to bring inactive  and inert members back  and I  glad they located the straight keys and bugs in the spare parts lockers.
I had a good number of membership numbers logged from SKN, on to the
end of January. I got a near sweep in the K3Y hunt but with conditions not as good as previous years, I missed KH6, Asia,  Africa, S America, and Oceana :(
K8ZAA - Randy (98) Third submission. The tally has increased each time so far. Wonder how long I can keep this up.
KA3LOC - Ric (180) This was a wild month.  Thanks to all the K3Y/x stations and to all the others who were on the air and help make SKCC so much fun.  Best 73 es God Bless.  Ric 
KA5TJS - Allen (84)  Wow, a great month for me! The anniversary event was great
this year. I got everyone but South Africa and Asia. Got EU and AS on
multiple bands and stations. Glade we could count K3Y stations for the
KA8HFN - Larry (411) Thank You for all of the QSO's in January. GL es 73,
Larry KA8HFN SKCC#2046S
KB3CVO - Tom (42) Another fun month
KC0MYW - Nick (186) Wow! What a month!
It was great hearing all the activity on the air and seeing all the activity on the sked pages all month long.
Had fun working a a few K3Y/0 shifts, got my Tx8, and made a good start on my S Quest. Thanks everyone for the QSOs and attempted QSOs.
KD2JQG - Marty (2) Wow! I've doubled my previous record.
KD9VT - Dave (309) Busy QSO month. CW and SKCC are great fun for me. I value the friends I have made in the SKCC and hope to make lots more. I hope the enjoyment never wears off. 73 to all - Dave
KK4UOE - Elton (13)  Even though I was a K3Y operator for one 2-hour stint, my 13 January contacts fell far short of the 150 or so that I had last January. Doesn't matter; had fun.
KZ5OM - Jerry (65) K3Y was a fun time. Got the Grand Sweep done on 20m (only).
Was able to complete the K3Y USA sweep on 20m and 40m. Missed the USA sweep on 80m by one area (4).  100w rig and 2el beam on 20. 30 =
Vertical, 40/80 = wires and vertical. TNX QSOs de Jerry in NorCal
N3CKI - Dave (3) Was focusing on contests and was on vacation for two weeks.
N4IDH - Alton (241) Another great month.  I hope I can keep this up!  I want to thank all of those who helped me reach Tx8 and all of those who will help me reach S.  This is fun stuff!
N4OW - Al (68) K3Y dominated the month and seemed to put bragging in the
back seat. Found a few and enjoyed the K3Y event. Keep your pencils
sharp for 2017, Curt !  73 de N4ow  
N8XI - Rick (52) Much better this month than last. Thanks all 73 dit dit
NC4RT - Randy (10)  Plus 31 in the WES.  Not a huge total, but it was all I could manage ;-) Congrats and thanks to all the K3Y ops.   Here's to a great New Year!
NM1W - Jim (282) I really enjoy the K3Y event, in spite of the tough band conditions. 
NX1K - Mark (3)  Concentrated on getting C for my club call WA9ZDC
ON7DQ - Luc (33)  First time I operated as a K3Y station ... was great fun ! Tnx to all for the qso's and ... the patience under difficult (read: terrible) conditions. 73 de Luc ON7DQ
VA5CW - Bill (204) Although I don't chase brags, it is always nice to see how many different members one contacts every month. K3Y definitely makes
a difference. I shall try to average one a day the rest of the year, and hope most involve a bit of a ragchew as well.
VK7CW - Steve (82) January was a great month and operating as K3Y/OC gave me
plenty of brag QSOs. Thanks to all for a successful and fun K3Y event. I am looking forward to next years already. Now to see if I can keep up this brag tally for the rest of 2017.
W1TAG - John (149) Imagine there will be some big totals this month with K3Y activities. I came within 1 of making "S", but what the heck. Thanks to the K3Y operators for all of their work.
W1XT - Bob (106) Fun again. Thanks to the K3Y organizers for a job very well
done. Great operators and lots of them. But where was SA? And nice to
have the ever-traveling K0FTC on the road again! WES followed by NRR
coming up. Great February ahead. 73 to all, Bob, W1XT, Sun City West,
W2NRA - Art (311)  Even though band conditions were terrible it was still a lot of fun.  I had 158 QSOs with K3Y Ops and 408 QSOs as K3Y/2.  I also worked 16 new Ts towards my Sx5 at Tx8 +983.  17 to go for Sx5.  One of the things I love about the SKCC K3Y Anniversary month long event is it makes a cold month go by quickly, one month closer to cycling weather.  As a cyclist, that's important to me.
W4KRN - Karen (150) Thanks to everyone for the contacts. K3Y makes it a fun month for bragging!
W4TDV - Tom (41) thanks to all for your support and encouragement..  had a lot of fun, and am glad to have taken up the hobby, decided to start using CW, and becoming active in SKCC.
W8RDG - Ron (19) QRP Venice Florida! Fun at the picnic table! 73's Ron
WA0LIF - Richard (51) All during K3Y.
WA2JSG - Curt (110) Wow, busy month for SKCC! Many thanks to all who participated in the K3Y Anniversary of our club.  From what I can see, it also brought the Brag totals waaay up too (hi hi).  My personal best Brag total this month, but I admit, it will be hard for me to
match it until next January (hi hi).  See y'all on the bands.
WA9ZDC - Swart (27) Pretty good month even though I was gone 1/2 the time and my
40m antenna was down.  Thanks for the QSOs.
WB1AJX - Howard (94) A big thanks to all of the K3Y ops and the SKCC K3Y team. Conditions were sometimes challenging but there were some nice openings on 17M. I did not do the NAQCC challenge this month but will do this in Feb. 73, Howard.
WB5JWI - Les (51) January is always a good month. This one was great.
WB8YXF - Richard (4) Ok a couple more this month, though I did work a few more in the WES.  I hope all are having a great beginning to the New Year!! God bless and 73, Fr Richard
WB9CAC - Bill (118) What a month. Worked 9 shifts as K3Y/7 . Thanks for the opportunity and to everyone who put up with my vertical and 100 watts from Arizona. PLUS...i've never done that before, so you had a real newbie on your hands. If I missed you during any one of my time slots, I apologize for that also Didn't do WES....can't imagine why???
ZS6SVJ - Stephen (22) New personal best... and every log entry for 2017 so far has been SKCC.
AF4K - Bry (73) Great to  contact everyone. I am leaning more towards rag
chews these days and getting to know people, especially the guys on
7100 - 7125!! See you there!
AF5AF - Rocky (25) Thought I was on track to complete my "S" Quest then Wife's older brother passed away suddenly on the 14th.  Needless to say that took the wind out our sails and set us on a expected and unplanned journey from  Arkansas to Georgia then Florida and finally back home.
Now in the calm after the storm we can hopefully get back on track.
Looking forward to the upcoming WES and finishing the quest in March.
AH6AX - Larry (142) Had fun working a lot of QRPp (500mw) early in the month -
for NAQCC Monthly QRP Challenge - thanks to all that had the patience
to listen to my peanut whistle!
AK3X - Peter (15) A busy month with not much radio time. Hopefully will be more actve in March. 73 to all.  Peter
DK3DUA - Tom (51)  My second month in SKCC, tnx to all who gave me SKCC #'s, it was much fun hunting for Centurion Award. Still 8 missing, hope to catch them next month.
F5DE - Bernard (1) Only ONE brag contact this month, thank you Jeff KB3ZUK, I was glad to have a QRS QSO with you OM !
G0RDO - John (3) Not much to say really HI. Worn out from chasing the Senator award. 73
K0KEX - Rick (13)  The month seemed to fly by here...worked 8 new SKCC members.
Picked up a Vibroplex 1921 Junior at a local auction. With a quick
contact rehab it was on the air with crisp CW sounds. With additional
cleaning and adjustment this 96 yr old key shows long term
stability..listen for the Junior during March. 73 Rick B4 & after pixs
on FB skcc
K5MP - Mile (71) In this game "if you snooze, you lose", as evidenced by my
very weak contact count this month.  Nonetheless, It was a lot of fun,
and certainly worthy of the effort of chasing the PXF award challenge
(e.g. killing 2 birds, as in helping the new members gain QSO count
while grooming new "T's" to aid in my own quest). Also, to those new
members who've not yet found the Cootie key methodology, check out my QRZ page and give a holler if you wish more info..  Welcome to all the
new members..... GL in the contest.
K8JD - John (42) Not my best but band conditions were not great, lot of storms and static on my favored lower bands this month and a lot of family activities in evenings to attend. .Odd that I saw a lot more newer members in the 12,000s this month :D
K8ZAA - Randy (64) Another fun month in February. Brag tally down but The Novice Rig Roundup helped bolstered it a bit. Many SKCC numbers were
exchanged during NRR qsos.
KA3LOC - Ric (106) This was busy month.  i spen time working on novice rig and
participation in novice Rig Roundup,  which cut into my time chasing
Brag QSOs.  Thanks to all.  Best 73 7 God Bless.  Ric 
KA5TJS - Allen (67) Well I had 20 in the log that were not members so that killed a high month. 17 meters was good for DX this month but a lot of those stations were not members. To bad they miss the fun!! HI HI. CU all next month.Looking for Brags with my cootie.
KA8HFN - Larry (34) Thank You for all of the February QSO's. GL es 73, Larry
KB1WOD - Dave (80) Thanks for all the Brags!!
KB3CVO - Tom (55) WooHoo!!! A new high.
KD9VT - Dave (67)  Wasn't a great month for me. Might have been if I could count WES and SKS qsos. SKCC Rules!
KT0G - Jeff (36) First Brag Submission
N3PDT - Doug (59) As pretty much always, nothing to brag about here, just enjoyed a few QSOs with fellow SKCC folks. Had a ball playing the 3rd annual Novice Rig Roundup 2/18-2/26. I exchanged SKCC numbers with well over half of my 55 NRR contacts. Thanks to all!
N3YUG - Jason (36) Not a good month for Brag, but still got to have a little fun! 73 and thanks all!
N4IDH - Alton (219)  Thanks for all the help reaching S!
N4OW - Al (57) Always fun to work the new members.  
N5JPX - Jim (6)  I'm bragging because the antenna is back up and working properly and I found time to sit down and pound some brass!  Thanks for the QSO's and thank you Curt for keeping me motivated.  73, Jim,
N8XI - Rick (102) Had a great time this month operating in the NRR. Used my trusty Kenwood TS-590S at 75W maybe next year a classic novice rig...Thanks for the SKCC QSOs all 73, Rick SKCC, The KEY to Amateur Radio
NC4RT - Randy (14) MAX KJ1RE Larry #16270T
MIN AC8XU Jon #349  (Congrats on "today's" C!!)
NF1U - Fred (27) This Month operated 500mw for Brags.  My total is about half
of my normal amount but this was not due to the 500mw.  I encountered
a sever head cold and just did not feel like copying CW. Near the end
of the month I shifted to the NRR and worked and old Argonaut 509 at
5W and did not count any Brags I made there. All in all if you work
QRP try coming down into the QRPp range and give that a try, really
surprising as what can be done at .5W
NF5U - Jerry (66) Short month, bands in poor shape at times, but overall a good month and enjoyed all the qso's, thanks to all. 
NX1K - Mark (5) Again, concentrated on T for my Family Club.  Will be back as NX1K in earnest soon.
VA5CW - Bill (19) Mostly wandering the bands catching a ragchew here and there these days, but always nice to find a few members to log a brag with now and then as well. Still looking for a few states to finish the WAS-T on 20m, and WAS-S anywhere ... may take a while tho. Will see how March works out.
VK7CW - Steve (24) February has been a very good month and I am slowly but surely working my way towards my 'S'. Great fun as usual and thanks to all who worked me. 73 de Steve VK7CW
W1TAG - John (14)  Busy with other stuff. Gotta get back in gear!
W1XT - Bob (62) Another great month for operating! With NRR coming in the middle, we added a number of new SKCC numbers from folks who don't
normally operate in the areas where SKCC is popular. Fun time. And now
we start a new count for March encouraging members to say again "Hi, nice seeing you again OM." Back to the key....  73 Bob, W1XT, Sun City
West, AZ
W4KRN - Karen (5) Looks like I took the month off.
W4TDV - Tom (56) Thank you everyone... having a great time
W8AIM - Jay (11)  ex-AA4JW
W8RDG - Ron (15) QRP in Venice Florida - Fun in the Sun! 73's Ron
WA9ZDC - Swart (52) Thanks to all who helped me get Tribune in February. And to
all who tried.
WB4DBO - Bill (129) February was a busy radio/SKCC month for me as I was trying
hard to complete the Sx3 challenge.  Little time for Brag Hunting but
did complete Sx3 and decent score for Brag at 129
WB8YXF - Richard (10) Well a few more this month, thanks everybody who took the time to QSO with me and exchanged numbers. Onto March. 73 & God Bless
WB9CAC - Bill (34)  Busy month, not necessarily radio…
WN4NRR - Bry (88) I had great fun in the Novice Rig Roundup. It was wonderful
to hear so many SKCC members participating this year! I am doing a lot more rag chews these days and getting to know people, especially the guys on 3550-3600 kHz and 7100 - 7125 kHz! See you on the air soon!!
AF4K - Bry (147) Fun month. Good to chat with some a length in some FB rag chews also!! See you all again soon! 73 from the Orlando area.
AF5AF - Rocky (95) Great month for me...finally completed my Sx1 Quest and
another C and T level in the process.  Thanks to all who helped with
my S Quest.  Looking forward to helping others progress through the
levels and awards.
AK3X - Peter (24) A little better this month. Hope bands improve just a little.  73. Peter
G0RDO - John (0) A great big WOOOOPS !
I really must try harder. A score of 0 for March is just not good enough HI.
John / G0RDO
I5EFO - Emil (25) nr. 3 plus 22 WES Mounth Brag : 142
73 de Emil
K0KEX - Rick (23) Nice to hear so many new operators, even with the tough conditions I managed to log 12 new members along with some old friends...the 1921 Vibroplex Junior has been working well along with the Kent St.key....73 Rick
K4CML - Colin (13) My first entry but not my last. Need to get on air more and listen less I guess.
K5MP - Mike (67) I feel lucky to have at least a token count this month. Given a setback for Rotator Cuff Repair surgery and the associated rehab schedule plus this apparent Black Hole in the propagation coverage.  Hope to soon be more active again. I'm slowly trudging toward Sx3, with about 130 to go, so please give me a shout when you see my call for new Nrs.
K5TSK - Jim (37) Thanks to all who helped with QSOs so I could get my Tx1. Been fun.  My apologies to Curt for botching my first Brag report. SKCCLogger makes it easy if you click the right tab. No calculators needed or calendar checking.  Thanks guys.
K6III - Jerry (64) Maybe the bands will cooperate this month!  WX getting warm
enough to do antenna repairs, etc.
K6JEB - Jack (8) Not too much to Brag about but better than last month. April is off to a nice start so let's see where a few weeks from now takes us.  :)
K7DD - Mike (24) First time doing this so lets hope I havent messed this up.
Fun stuff!
K8ZAA - Randy (54) Thanks from the mitten state for the brag qsos
K9IA - Chuck (48) Better this Month even with all the time away from my radio.
KA5TJS - Allen (69) Well down a little for this month but not to bad. I did finally get I5EFO Emil and worked Steve VK7CW this month. I am using the HB Cootie 100% now and getting better!     I ordered a Begali  Sculpture swing and it should be here next week I hope. Look for you on the air.
KA8HFN - Larry (50) Thank You for all of the Brag QSO's in March. GL es 73, Larry
KB0ETU - Phil (26) My best ever for the Monthly Brag. Some were QRP and some were QRO.  My K-2 was in the shop for most of the month. I now have it back and am ready for another WES at QRPp.
KB1WOD - Dave (81) Thanks for all the Brag QSOs!!
KB3CVO - Tom (61) Woohoo! Still having fun!
KC0MYW - Nick (68) Conditions seemed to fall apart towards the end of the month, but I finished up my 'S' this month so all-in-all it was pretty good!
KC9UNL - Curt (47) Worked a few more this month despite some marginal band
conditions.  See you next month 
KD5RSS - Butch (6) Poor showing in March, finished new 30x40 shop/garage and was busy moving back in to it and building new work benches and shelves, still not done with it but starting to find more time back in the shack, tnx folks for your time..73's 
KD9VT - Dave (46) Not a great month I guess.
KJ1RE - Larry (94)  I've had a great time with SKCC as I get reacquainted with CW as it allows a very non-stress environment for learning on the air with experienced hams. To that point thank you to all who I have worked - especially to those whose ears have felt the pain of my learning bug fist! hihi
All the best from NH, 73!
KK7H - Mike (25) A good month for me working for Tx6 and hope to be a senator by the end of the year,  Still looking for NM for my WAS-T. Everyone has been a big help  73  Mike KK7H
KM4FO - Dwight (130) Been a lot of fun, closing in on Tx8.
KT0G - Jeff (53) Bang'n and hammer'n away
KZ5OM - Jerry (65) a Lack-Luster month
N3CKI - Dave (208) March was a good month.  I made 208 QSOs.  I also achieved Centurion, CX4, 40Mx2 and  Tribune, Tx3, and 40M.
N3FLL - Frank (45) Only 121 to go for S   as of 4-3-17
N4IDH - Alton (65) Pace has sure slowed since making S last month.  I will try to pick up the pace.
N4OW - Al (88) CQ a lot on SKCC Freq's and no replies - do members tune the bands any more or do the just watch the skimmer ?  73 de N4ow  
N5JPX - Jim (9) Thanks for the QSO's.  Between band conditions and other demands on my time, the number is low but they were all quality contacts as are all contacts with SKCC members!
N8XI - Rick (62) Another fine month for SKCC QSO's even got in a few Ragchew
QSO's to get 3X (900 minutes).
Thanks all. 73, Rick
SKCC, The KEY to Amateur Radio
N9RVW - Greg (25) just getting station back up after move........
NF5U - Jerry (67) I managed to beat last months brag by 1 qso. It was fun. 
VA5CW - Bill (7) Not on much these days, but always nice to find a few members to share a brag with now and then. 
VK7CW - Steve (31) Even with poor condx it is great to work 31 brags for March and lots of fun. I now have 89 towards my 'S' but still have a long haul ahead of me to get the remaining 111. 73 de Steve VK7CW
W0SZV - Eldon (0) bad month. only one contact all month and it was a WES
W2NRA - Art (50) Not many QSOs this month. Not much time for ham radio.  Same
goes for first couple of weeks in April.  I also have the dreaded job
of setting up a new computer.  73 Art W2NRA 11634S
W2SFD - George (13) After over a year away from SKCC, it feels good to make some contacts.
W3NP - Dave (161) First time I have submitted a Brag report in many years.
W4KRN - Karen (1) Yes, 1 measly Brag contact, but I sent it in.
W4NG - Elton (6) This is my first monthly brag with my new call sign. I changed from KK4UOE to W4NG in mid-March. Sure is quicker to send!
W4TDV - Tom (69) 8 Weeks of CW Academy Level 2.. so limited on the air time in April and May.  Thanks All
W8AIM - Jay (13) Planned on a bigger total, but some health issues got in the way.  Maybe next month…
W8BUD - Bud (80) My first time at doing the Monthly Brag not real good will try again. Had great time thanks to all the station that worked me bet 73 Bud
W8RDG - Ron (11) Not bad for QRP on picnic Tables! Heading back to MI end of April! 73's Ron
WA2JSG - Curt (31) Made my Brag goal of an average of one a day. Of course, will always try for more when I can.  Some of my contacts were QRP. Thanks to all who gave me a contact.
WB4DBO - Bill (239) March turned out to be a good month for me on 40 meters - more than half my Brag QSOs were on 40 and in the evening was generally covering the entire USA!  About half my QSOs came from the Sked page. Was happy to see many more new members hunting around the SKCC calling frequencies.  Worked many new members and gave out my
number to many first time QSOs.
WB8YXF - Richard (19) A few more this month...... thanks to all who did QSO with me.  I sometimes get on the sked page and am available to exchange NRs, just as active as I wish to be, but working in that direction. April will be a busy month for me though with Church then heading to FL at end of the month.
WB9CAC - Bill (31) Bands are starting to get more rugged. Tons of QRN. Sunspot
cycle is starting to do, or not do, its thing. Only 14 away from T x 6. Beginning to feel the squeeze looking for new SKCC numbers. On a positive note there are quite a few new members that should be getting their C's soon. 73's to all
AB5XM - Allan (0) My only contacts were in WES
AF5AF - Rocky (28) Only 28 to brag about this month outside of WES and a few
non-members.  Most of the contacts came this last weekend but all
taken at a leisurely pace.  Not chasing any particular goals at the
moment just working on my copy and sending speed.  Also, learning
about BALUNS/Transformers and such.  Thanks to all who worked with me.
AH6AX - Larry (66) Another fun month!
AK3X - Peter (25)  Not much to brag about, but more than last month (one more!), so no complaints from me.  Hopefully May will be better with better condx and more time to play radio.  73/72... Peter
DK3DUA - Tom (8) Only few Q's , not much time now road bike season started. But it's always fun to work SKCC members. If you hear my with ugly fist I'll try my first Q's with new BUG Key from GHD.
vy73 Tom DK3DUA
DL9YCS - Joerg (8) very poor condx here last month
F5DE - Bernard (2) One more time only two contacts for me this month, sigh ! Propagation around my operating times (20 - 22 UTC) was poor very often with me, then my little rig was not able to enter and move the loud speakers from foreign SKCC countries !
No problem, my pleasure is always to be here for a few SKCC contacts
and I will be also here during next SKS-E and for a few hours during
next WES. All the best and 73 everybody !  Bernard, F5DE.
G0RDO - John (5) A score of 5 is better than last months zero ! Poor propagation and noisy location meant I did not hear many SKCC'ers 73. John / G0RDO / SKCC 2133S
I5EFO - Emil (87) I had a lot of fun.
73 de Emil, I5EFO (#13262T)
K0KEX - Rick (9) Busy month but managed to work six new SKCC members...
Fun stuff alaways...73  Rick
K3ZGA - Bob (20) Thanks for the QSO's this past month. Hope to see you all again in May! 73
K5MP - Mike (67) WOW!  So  much for the good ole days when even QRP was king.
Thank goodness for all those new members on board during the past few weeks, I was able to at least give them a lift while attempting to dig
a much needed new number out of the woodwork.  Good luck to all.
Here's hoping the next month will present better propagation days.
K6III - Jerry (42) Slow month - fewer members logging onto the sked page.
K7DD - Mike (5) Only had time for 5 q.
K8JD - John (52) With spring storms  and lightning hits across the southern states making the low bands very noisy, AND the solar flux making the higher "DX" bands very poor, I made most of my contacts on 40M this month.
K8ZAA - Randy (60) Thanks from the mitten state.
K9OBX - Jeffrey (1) It was my first CW contact and it was a fellow skcc member!!!!
KA3LOC - Ric (145) Thanks to all who participated.  Again family activities, poor propagation and Spring Thunderstorm hampered Brag QSO chasing. But its always fun to work SKCC members again and meet new ones. 73 & God Bless.  Ric,  KA3LOC #660S 
KA5TJS - Allen (65) Ruff month! Solar conditions were terrible for most of the month and we took a driving trip to MS for 5 days. I did get Steve VK7CW for the only DX this month. Hope conditions improve for April. Logged 11 stations that were not members.
KA8HFN - Larry (18) Thank You for all of the April CW QSO's. GL es 73, Larry KA8HFN
KB0ETU - Phil (9) Not nearly as many as last month's, but still, more than � (zero).
KB1WOD - Dave (71) See ya next month
KB3CVO - Tom (38) Tough conditions this month but I still had fun!!!
KC9UNL - Curt (60) Lots of fun in April despite the band conditions. Hope to spend more time rag chewing but still have a lot of SKCC NR's to collect and lots of new members to QSO. 
KD5RSS - Butch (10) About to get Shop/garage, fence and garden all back together, should find time to get back in the shack and regain some numbers. 
KD9VT - Dave (91) Boy, condx have been bad. I was considering paying for QSOs but couldn't even find takers for them!
Thank you to all that called or answered me. 73 Dave
KI8FV - Steve (4) This is my 1st brag report. All were worked with my hb1b abt 5 watts with my j-37 straight  key thru a 40m dipole up about 15 feet in the trees at Lake Alma in Vinton county, Ohio
KJ1RE - Larry (62) Bands were challenging this month but getting more and more experience digging signals out of the noise and getting a bit better with my bug fist, which is good news for *all* my future contacts! Highlight was working Steve (VK7CW) on 80m which was a great brag in and of itself!
KM4FO - Dwight (153) It has been another fun month.
KT0G - Jeff (12) Work is getting in the way of all my fun.
KZ5OM - Jerry (46) SKCC ops have slowed down
N0JMS - Jonathan (5) Very busy over the last month, not much time to be on.
N0NBD - Paul (106) I made Centurian and 6 qsos logged toward Tribune. de Paul N0NBD
N1DBL - Doug (17) April was my most active month with CW in about a year. Also had 33 WES, 8 SKS, and 1 non-member when I was calling CQ.
N2BR - Bob (55) Think could work more SKCC members if the bands would have
been much better.I worked all on 40 meters CW with my new rig Yaesu
FT-450D 80 watts and a 40 meter dipole up 30 feet.
N3CKI - Dave (219) Qualified for Cx6.  Need 3 more for Tx6.
N3FLL - Frank (41) 82 to go for S
N3YUG - Jason (107) It was a very fun month for me on SKCC. I pounded out 107 contacts and finished my S quest!  Thanks to all that I got to work!!
N4IDH - Alton (87) Slow month.  Cruddy bands did not help.  But, Fun was had and that is what it is all about.
N4OW - Al (76) Not the best conditions for me this month. Happy to get the contacts I did. May brings many CQ's and few answers. 73 de N4ow  
N5JPX - Jim (0) I got my taxes done!  That's all I have to brag about for April.  I'll try to get motivated in May.
N8BB - Werner (1) Another bad month for radio work here. Promise to do better next time.
NF5U- Jerry (64) Well, this month was on and off again. Marginal band condx.
Thanks to all for the qso's and look forward to next month, 73's 
NP3CW - Julio (1) Not very active this April 2017. GL to all.
VA5CW - Bill (12) Pretty casual these days. Mostly just ragchewing. Always happy to exchange a brag or number as well. Will see how it goes for May.
VE4DLA - Davis (6) My first Bragg, it's a little presumptuous maybe. I'm not
likely to work many more a month thru November, tho.
VK7CW - Steve (22) Slowly adding numbers to my 'S' Quest. Thanks to all who
persevered the poor conditions and worked me.
73 de Steve VK7CW
W0SZV - Eldon (1) corrected copy. did find one I forgot to put in the paper log. was in computer logs, so not a total loss after all K3s,160m loop up 25ft, cootie key, 5 watts QRP.
W3NP - Dave (90) I have been experimenting with loop antennas this month in anticipation of putting up a full wave horizontal loop for 160. So far my 130' long CF Zepp at 45' has been hard to beat but we will see!!
W8RDG - Ron (11) Was a great winter in Florida, lots of QRP and sunshine! I'm back in Michigan now! 73's all! Ron W8RDG
WA2JSG - Curt (33) Keeping up with my minimum of 1 a day (or more). Might be a little difficult to do in May as I will be away half of the month. Thanks to all who gave me a contact.
WA9ZDC - Swart 3 Not on much as a club this month. Mostly helping SKCC members move toward awards.
WB4OMM - Steve (21) A slow month, to be sure!  Will be "looking" for all my pals in Xenia in a few weeks! (Dayton).  72/73 to all! Steve WB4OMM
WB8YXF - Richard (18) Wow a few more this month..... thanks to all who QSOd with
me and exchanged NRs with me.  Away from home base presently, so will not be on the air for another week or so.  In FL enjoying the sun
73 and God Bless to all SKCCers!!
WB9CAC - Bill (45) Lots of QRN this month. Still fun, especially working for Tx7. A little at a time.
WU1V - Rick (1) I have been QRT for many months, so one QSO is something for me to really brag about
AF4K - Bry (63) May was a tough month. Poor propagation and VERY low
activity levels by SKCC stations. Spent most of the month resorting o
CW contests, JT65, JT9 and Meteor Scatter QSOs on 6m MSK144 mode. See you all on the air again soon I hope??
AK3X - Peter (24) Another mediocre month.. and my goal is only 30.  Hope for
more time and better condx in June.  73  Peter
F6HKA - Bert (182) Thanks for the QSOs. 73 Bert
G0RDO - John (7) Propagation not helping again but managed 7 brag QSOs.
TS-440S, 100 watts, MA6V vertical, a morse key or two.
73. John / G0RDO / SKCC 2133S
I5EFO - Emil (99)  Hello All, I hope CUAGN 73 de Emil
K0KEX - Rick (24) Eleven new SKCC numbers in the log along with some old friends. Fred VE3FAL running 5wts was a nice surprise. June will be a busy month with the WES & Field Day...
Will be operating 4F from NRAD Ambulance Facility "NR0AD" Look for us on the ARRL FD locator  73  Rick
K4DJ - Rich (10) Not a lot of brags in May. Spent good bit of time on 6 meter CW. Logged a few SKCCers on there but everyone seems more interested in grid squares.
K5MP - Mike (39) I'm surprised at this number considering the horrible band
conditions.  We can only hope for better propagation down the road.  I
hope all those new "T"s will come out to play soon.  It's been pretty
slim pickins for everyone trying to move up the ladder.  Good Luck to
all next month.
K8ZAA - Randy (52) The brag count is down a bit partly because conditions have been so poor. Hoping for improvement in June.
K9DAC - Tom (16) Rough going when you can only operate on 20 with current condx. 
KA3LOC - Ric (139) Thanks to all who make SKCC so much fun.  Band conditions were not that great this month but I did make a few new DX SKCC contacts.  Band openings a few but you just have to be there when they do occur.  Its great to be retired.  Best 73 & God Bless.  Ric 
KA5TJS - Allen (50) Well conditions were pretty bad here this month with the solar activity we have had so the count was down for this month. 40 mtrs was the best band with lots of QSB. I did get FRA and PR this month for DX. Hope to CUL.
KA8HFN - Larry (4) Thank You for the May Brag QSO's.
GL es 73,
Larry KA8HFN SKCC#2046S
KB3CVO - Tom (35) Still a decent score as I was inactive for about 12 days
KD2JQG - Marty (13) Lucky 13
KD9VT - Dave (53) Bad month...I blame it on band conditions.
KI8FV - Steve (1) Sorry, now that school is out I can get on more for June.
KJ1RE - Larry (51) I'm not at all sure my skills are getting any better but I'm having a lot of fun! Thank you to everyone who I worked this month and get ready to do it all again in June, 73 from NH!
KM4FO - Dwight (41) The good old summer months are here.  The yard work and
grandkids out of school is taking up my radio time.  Thanks to
everyone I worked this month and everyone that I got to meet at the
KT0G - Jeff (24) Warning, been practicing a line or two of rag chew to go along with the number exchange.  Might be some earache for some of ya.
N0NBD - Paul (23) All of the 23 are towards my "T" Maybe the bands will get
better for this month. I might try getting on more in the early
mornings de Paul N0NBD 123C
N1ZTY - Ron (3) My first SKCC contacts ever, so that is something to brag about in my opinion!
N2BR - Bob (65) Had fun enjoy CW look forward to working more new members
and numbers....
N3YUG - Jason (10) Not a good month and June isn't looking much better.  I will
get back on soon though.  Hope all are enjoying the SKCC contacts!
N4IDH - Alton (28) Slow month.  My shack is not air conditioned.  It will severely cramp my activity for the next few months.
N4IVE - David (4) Wow, I've been off the air for far too long :) I was happy to still be able to converse.
N4OW - Al (56) Bad conditions on the bands and RFI in the local area. Nice to work the new members. CU all in June 73 de N4ow AL  
N5JPX - Jim (3) It is an improvement over April!  Hope to see all of you in June,  73, Jim
NF5U - Jerry (78) It was a good month, at times somewhat challenging with
sporadic band conditions, made a few contacts on 6m and 10m, no pun
NP3CW - Julio (10) Activity this month mostly in 6M band on UKSMG group. Tnx Curt for the excellent work you are doing.
VK7CW - Steve (69) Another great month for brag qso's. I am edging closer to my 'S' at a slow but steady rate. Thanks for all those I worked and all those who put in an effort and tried.
73 de Steve VK7CW
W0SZV - Eldon (0) only one contact for the month and it was in WES
W1TAG - John (24)  Have had more time since the "summer" move to ME, but lots
of unanswered CQ's with lousy band cndx. Thanks to all for the QSO's.
W1XT - Bob (18) SKCC QSOs are always a lot of fun. Thanks all. Bob, W1XT
W2NRA - Art (7) I had 197 SKCC member QSOs but only 7 brag. I've been meaning to get on the radio more but with nice WX the bike keeps calling me.
W8RDG - Ron (110) Getting back up to speed! So glad to be back in Michigan!
Obtained T5 early in the Month, working on T6, will get that in June.
On my way to the Big S! 73's All, see you on the bands.
WA2JSG - Curt (12) Not a good number for me this month, but considering I was
away for about half the month, I guess it's not too bad (for me at
least hi hi). There's always June! ;-)
WA3GM - Greg (70) My First brag.....Alot of fun on the skcc.
WB5JWI - Les (17) Tnx to all for QSOs. On road right now. I have a new portable setup I hope to operate while on the road.
WB8YXF - Richard (10) Slow, still, but did get some in the WES, thanks to all
WB9CAC - Bill (48) Conditions were quite rugged.. struggling to get T x 7, but fun month. 73's to all
WL7WH - Bob (2) another tuff month…
WU1V - Rick (7) I'm bragging because I managed all of 7 QSOs as I'm recovering from shoulder surgery on my left arm (my sending arm)! So 7 is a mighty big number for me right now! I can't send for longer than 15-20 minutes at a time and some days not at all. So I'm BRAGGING (and celebrating)! 
AF4K - Bry (102) Been busy using JT10 and FT8 modes, but managed quite a few CW contacts also. Long live SKCC !!
AK3X - Peter (32) Well, I made my goal of at least 30 brag contacts, mostly on 40 meters.
Among them was a 3 watt 20 meter QSO with Steve, VK7CW, who must have great ears and a great antenna!  Got a few new numbers towards Sx2 and although officially i am Tx10, I am closing in on having enough to
apply for Tx12.  Anyway, 73 to all and have fun.
F6HKA - Bert (184) Thanks for the QSOs. 73 Bert
K0KEX - Rick (13) Field day preparation took up a lot of time this year, did manage some interesting contacts, three 6M Q's along with six new SKCC'ers including Leon OS0S..73 Rick
K3CKO - Bob (26) Quite a few numbers in the 15000 to 17000 starting to show up even though condix are not good.
K4DJ - Rich (2) All-time low for me, it seems. Spent a lot of time on 6 meters.
K5MP - Mike (48) Too many distractions this month, not to mention continued poor propagation.  Been swapping rigs and rebuilding shack making room for a new-to-me K3, and preparing to place pristine IC-7600 on the market.... Should be Good to Go by end of July. Hope soon to finish SX3 and move into quest for SX4.
K6III - Jerry (26) kind of a slow month for me. HF CONDX are poor-ish.
However, I did manage to add a new Senator or two to the log.
K6JEB - Jack (10) Just barely kept it to double digits this month.
K8JD - John (71) A busy month with family events but I managed to work 71 unique SKCC members, some of them more than once.
K8ZAA - Randy (48) Thanks from the mitten state. Have a small amp for my QRP rigs now and hoping the brag count will improve.
KA2OSV - Jim (8) Glad I decided to come back to CW.  Jim, KA2OSV
KA3LOC - Ric (143) Thanks to all members who help keep the bands alive.  Except
for the thunderstorms and family activities, it was a productive month
for Brag QSO's.  Best 73 & God Bless.  Ric 
KA5TJS - Allen (49) Took a week off and went to Virginia on a little holiday drive. It cut into my total for sure but a good trip. Got Steve VK7CW this month for my only DX! CU all in July.
KA8HFN - Larry (27) Thank You for the June brag QSO's.
73, Larry
KB1WOD - Dave (74) A lot better then last month by far!
KB3CVO - Tom (29) Still having fun!
KJ1RE - Larry (50) Overall a pretty good month for brags although I didn't make the 2 per day goal that I am shooting for, and will just have to do better for July!
KK7H - Mike (9) Things are getting better every day with XYL, hope to have more radio time in the future, Tnx Curt for all that you do. KK7H
KM4FO - Dwight (13) Well, the summer monthes are here, grandkids out of school and grass cutting and outside chores are taking all my radio time.
73, Dwight
KT0G - Jeff (17) Hoping to have a lot more time to play radio in July.
KZ5OM - Jerry (46) Kind of slow-ish conditions - missed the 1st week of the activity.  But, did manage to log some new Senators.
N2BR - Bob (10) Not been able to work many skcc members this month,Having to
pack and get ready to move soon.But once i get moved ill be back on
N3YUG - Jason (3)  I suck these last two months!  Doing better this month!
N4IDH - Alton (28) Slow Month for me.
N4IVE - David (7) Woo! Up from last month :) I spent the month working on a soft tuner for my old Kenwood radio and listening to CW conversations to prepare for Field Day. Only sent out my call 7 times this month but I copied dozens of conversations.
N4OW - Al (69) 6M ES prop gave me a few brags this month. Club activity, in
general, seems VERY low. CQ forever in the SKCC "windows" with few
answers. Best to all the Braggers. de N4ow  
N8BB - Werner (4) Ok, not so great but I have been chasing SOTA's and 6 meters has opened up. Too many options and trying them all. Look for everyone in July.
N8XI - Rick (16) Lots of summer project kept me away from the rig this month.
Part of these QSO's were with my 'new' Heathkit HW-16.
Thanks all!!
73, Rick
SKCC, The KEY to Amateur Radio
NF1U - Fred (31) June was a poor month for me Propagation wise. I spent more
time on the NAQCC challenge letters then going after Brags. My Brag
numbers might be higher but I don't count contest and FD QSO's. Maybe
next month will be better as I have my restored old HF6V vertical up
and running with 4 radials(more radials planned for in the future).
NF5U - Jerry (58) This was a busy month with FD and we had a lot of severe storms move thru in the evenings. Lower number of qso's this month but still loads of fun. 
NM1W - Jim (32) It was nice to get some qsos & openings on the higher bands!
VA5CW - Bill (7) Really inactive these days since I have removed the tower, beam, and 80 meter inverted V, but still wander the 20, 15, 12, and 40 meter bands a bit with my "new and unimproved" homebrew parallel antenna. Always a pleasure to run into a few skcc members.
VE4DLA - David (0) I'm not hearing many when I do go searching.
VK7CW - Steve (100)  What a great month June was for achieving my personal best
Brag Count. I never thought I would see the day where I could possibly
get 100 brag QSOs. Many thanks goes to all who those that took the
time to listen and persevere to work me. I also appreciate those who
have helped me on my current 'S' Quest. Getting very close now to that
elusive Senator Award. My goal now is to work on improving my Brag
count for next month. Best 73 from Tasmania, Steve VK7CW
W1TAG - John (40) Thanks to all. Nice to have some 10 meter QSO's among the usual stuff.
W1XT - Bob (31) Always fun. Brag QSOs a bit slow during Field Day! :)
Thanks all. --Bob
W2NRA - Art (12) Really nice weather is keeping me array from my indoor radio activities.
I want to ride my bicycle; I want to ride my bike!
73 de Art W2NRA 11634S
W3NP - Dave (52) Very busy this month but still working on my 160 meter full
wave horizontal loop and doing some on the air testing.
W8AIM - Jay (1) So SRI!  Too many visits, visitors, appointments, reunions, etc., to handle.  Next month will be better…
W8RDG - Ron (101) June was a fun month in SKCC! I got T6 and got the 49th state as my 49th state contact! I'm hoping for HI soon!
Looking forward to T7 in July, maybe T8 by late Summer. 73's to all my SKCC friends! W8RDG Ron in MI
WA2JSG - Curt (29) Worked 33 sections on Field Day for the NAQCC June Challenge, otherwise not much going on here in radio land.
WA3GM - Greg (79) my first Brag that I have entered so here I am bragging. Almost at my Tx3......Seems like forever to get to my S. 73
Greg  wa3gm 10382 T 
WA4FQN - Jerry (15) After a period of inactivity with SKCC I I again became active during the latter part of June.  I hope to be more involved again in the days ahead.
WA7FPV - Josh (21) I'm a new Member - this is my first month as a SKCC OP. Tnx!
WB8YXF - Richard (19) A little bit better month.  Some changes in the shack --
sold a radio, bought a new auto tuner, and now a better larger
monitor.  CW is great, just do not do enough of it, as I get carried
away on the digital modes and now that I have a paddle and am learning
to use it, I am on CW more, though not always SKCC!!!!! As I still
favor my straight key. Thanks to all who took the time to QSO with me
this month.  Soon will buckle down and head toward the 'S'.  73, God
Bless, see ya all on the air.
WB9CAC - Bill (8) Light time to be on, plus conditions were bad for me. 73's all..
AB5XM - Allan (1) TS930S 30-50w to elevated 19' wire vertical @ 29' with three
counterpoise wires.  Only got one contact outside of WES.  Tried
several times but could not hear nor my CQs not heard. Hope for better
in August.
AC2C - Ron (17) Slow Month - would like to get a bit more active.
AE4RM - Roger (17)  I need to get back on the key!
AF4K - Bry (5) I got busy playing with new FT8 mode in July but I am BACK! Already made THREE SKCC contacts today (AUG 1) - will see you folks on the bands again soon! 73 - Bry
AH6AX - Larry (30) Took time off from Ham Radio to go on 2(plus) week bus tour of the western national parks...hope to have a better qso count next month.  Aloha from MD - Larry
AK3X - Peter (19) A slow month...and it seems when I had time to use the rig, the bands were lousy.  That said, I did add to my Sx2 count and another new on on the long slog to Tx15!  73 to all... Peter
F6HKA - Bert (185) Thanks for the QSOs. 73 Bert
G0RDO - John (5) Lovely WX - dog walking, Hashing etc. left little time for radio, and still looking for better propagation. See you all in August HI
73. John / G0RDO / SKCC 2133s
K0KEX - Rick (15) Big month for activities, 13 Colonies along with SKCC. 10M gave up 9 qso's, 6M 3 qso's & 3 new members logged. Hope to make many more in August..TU to all..73  Rick
K3CKO - Bob (142) There may be few sun spots but this month was good for QSO's here is the states. I did well in both sprints and averaged 3 QSO's per day the rest of the month. Some new faces and great rag chews.
K4DJ - Rich (11) Found some new "T" and "T8"s this month. Seem to be a lot of them hiding out this summer.
K6III - Jerry (55) Another slow month for SKCC Brag.
K8JD - John (68) Lots of log entries in a month busy with family activities, but many were rag chews with members  more than  one time and the QSOs after the first one did not count toward a brag total. I enjoy
chatting and welcome any  chance to have a QSO with my SKCC friends.
See you next month..
K8ZAA - Randy (26) Poor conditions and other activities hurt my July total.
Will be better in August.
K9DAC - Tom (57) Best that I have done for quite a few months.
KA2OSV - Jim (5) I'll try to do better next month.
KA3LOC - Ric (186) Thanks to all who participated.  This was a rough month with generally poor band conditions, but there were a few good opening.  The resulted in a fairly good Brag count.  Best 73 7 God Bless. 
KA5TJS - Allen (32) Wow, conditions here this month were in the toilet! Upper bands closed most of the time and 40/30 not in that good of shape either. Mostly working QRO this month. Hope to do better in August.
KA8HFN - Larry (46) Thank You for all of the July Brag QSO's.
GL es 73, Larry KA8HFN SKCC#2046S
KB1WOD - Dave (78) Did pretty good. Thanks for all the QSOs. CU next month 73
KB3CVO - Tom (37) Fun as always
KJ1RE - Larry (78) Had a great brag month and achieved my goal of 2 brags per day with room to spare. The SKCC sked page is *the* secret to both brags and moving toward each operating award in my opinion. I'm
closing in on Tx8 and hope to finish that in the next two months. Thank you to everyone I worked who has suffered my poor bug fist!
KM4FO - Dwight (6) The summer months are in full swing, grass to mow and grandkids out of school and at our house.  Big number for this month.
73 Dwight, KM4FO 16428S
KT0G - Jeff (16) Not a lot of operating time, but enjoying it!
N0NBD - Paul (42) I sure have enjoyed working SKs this last month. The bands stink. 40 only opens about dusk and in the morning for a while. 20 is less predictable. Ill keep at it I have 62 logged toward my S. Tnx de
Paul N0NBD
N3PDT - Doug (4) I'm certainly not setting any records. My goal this year is just to have st least one SKCC contact, other than sprints, every
month AND turn them in. So far, so good for 2017!
N4IVE - David (24) A big jump from the previous months. All contacts were at QRP power levels :)
N4OW - Al (97) Better than expected month. 6 meter openings brought some brags I did not expect. Daytime brought empty bands & action was sparse until late afternoon/early evening. Wish more ops would CQ for contacts. The club is about keeping the bands active with CW. 73 de
AL, N4ow    
NF1U - Fred (32) another tough QRP month for me.
NF5U - Jerry (36) This was a busy month, but not for radio. Low number this month. Still had a great time, looking forward to better
conditions. Hope to hear everyone next month. 73's to all. 
NX1K - Mark (1) Many trips.  Only one non-sprint QSO this month while portable in Washington DC. Second granddaughter was born there the next day.
VA5CW - Bill (2) A couple for the count. Not on the radio much these days, but happen to get a few members in the log.
VE4DLA - David (7) More than I thought!
VK7CW - Steve (55) Another great month, especially considering the poor conditions. Thanks to all who put in the extra effort to listen for out for VK. 73 Steve VK7CW
W1TAG - John (48) Quite a bit of activity on wavelengths shorter than 20 meters. 10 meters was quite good for a few days. Logged some new SKCC numbers, which is always heartening. Thanks to all.
W1XT - Bob (26) As always, fun working the entire SKCC Gang. 73/72.  Bob W1XT, AZ
W3NP - Dave (100) Still doing a lot of testing of my 160 meter horizontal loop antenna on all bands that are open. Started working 60 meters a bit after finding the new antenna works there. Also enjoyed some of the sporadic E openings on 10 meters as well as a Q or two on 12 meters. The end of the month found me starting to use my modified Vibrokeyer
aka "Vibrocootie" on the air after a few days of practice with the cpo.
73 de West Virginia
W8RDG - Ron (102) Another Good Month for me, I beat last month by 1! I made Tx7 and have 30 to go for Tx8. Will I make it in Aug, we will see! 73's to all my SKCC friends! Looking forward to working you again soon! 73's Ron W8RDG
WA2JSG - Curt (17) July was not a very pleasant month for me. Had to admit a lady friend into hospital and now a nursing home (temporary). Then my computer died (10 years old), so I picked up a whiz-bang Windows-10 machine, along with newest version of MS Office so now transferring all my programs/records over to that. All saved on an iCloud and other media. Win-10 seems to fight me when installing 3rd party
programs/digital/logging pgrms, but I'm winning, one battle at a time!
Hopefully August (my birth month) will be kinder to me.
WA3GM - Greg (27) Hope to see you all soon.  Working on my TX4....seems like a long way to the S.
Please work me if you hear me.
WA4FQN - Jerry (77) Topped by previous high count this month by 7 and whittled the number needed for Tx8 down to 8; hoped I helped lots of others in the process.  Thanks to everyone for the fun (and challenging) QSO's.
WB8YXF - Richard (5) Slow slow month, will be even slower in August maybe as I head out of town tomorrow 'oh dark thirty'!!  Will be gone for abt 10 days.  Hpe to be on more when I RTN, we'll see.  Thanks for a great crew!!!!  73 & God Bless!
WB9CAC - Bill (40) Been out of town quite a bit this month. Hope to get back into the swing of things.  73's all
WU1V - Rick (10) Made 10 contacts outside of sprints this month, despite recovery from my shoulder surgery, so this was a small triumph. 72/73 to one and all! 
WV8DH - Dave (49) First time trying the Brag thing. Should have had more contacts but that will come with time. Thanks to all who helped. 72/73 from Wild and Wonderful West Virginia, Dave
AB5XM - Allan (1) Not a good showing this month but I tried on five days to call CQ or to hear other's CQs, but nothing there.
AK3X - Peter (23) A little better than last month. Now that Fall is approaching may have a little more time to operate. Time to put my  80 meter wire back up. 73 all. Peter
DK3DUA - Tom (3) Only 3 Q's, bad conds, hard to catch stateside members. cu vy73 Tom
F5UQE - Duc (35) very poor conditions this month,thanks for qso!
F6HKA - Bert (174) Thanks for the QSOs. 73 Bert
G0RDO - John (4) Generally low activity here due to great WX and not so great propagation.
73  John / G0RDO / SKCC 2133s
K0KEX - Rick (13) Real fun, 5 new numbers, KF7WNS 900mw qso on 30M, ZL2BLQ
always good to work & Steve VK7CW...Thanks tal all 73 Rick
K4DJ - Rich (22) Hopefully, Fall will bring on more activity....
K5MP - Mike (27) This has been a lost cause summer for my Brag contribution.
First I had to do a station overhaul including addition of a K3, followed by the loss of  my mother at the ripe ole age of 97. I then became handicapped on 40 Meters due to AT&T RFI with no resolution so far, and finally eked out 27 QSOs in spite of horrendous band
conditions...... As a side question, has anybody heard or seen Andy,
NB8F lately?  Seems he's been AWOL for about 6 weeks.  Hope he's Okay.  Maybe next month will bring a brighter report.  See you then. I'm looking to help all of our new members up the awards ladder and at the same time hoping to nab a bunch of those new "T" and "S's" to  help toward my SX3.
K6III - Jerry (44)  a modest effort - poor conditions this season.  11 new SKCC numbers logged.
K8JD - John (78) Poor bands but I made a few contacts each day .
K8ZAA - Randy (39)  Thanks from the mitten state.
K9IA - Chuck (15) I was away from the shack for much of the month. Made up some ground in the past few days. Not a lot of count but like to keep my hat in the ring.
KA5TJS - Allen (38) Well we took a 9 day drive to NM and AZ so that hurt! Conditions should improve next month and hope to work you for a brag. 73's
KA8HFN - Larry (16) Thank You for the August 2017 Brag QSO's. 73, Larry
KB0ETU - Phil (27) Set a new record for me.  Tried to make one contact a day. Did not count the sprints.  And a few of my contacts were not SKCC members. Some contacts were QRP and some were QRO (30 to 35
watts). 72/73 Phil
KB1WOD - Dave (94) Had a great month. Also got a lot more numbers towards other awards. Thanks to all my brag friends!
KB1ZQ - Hal (5) I am a newcomer to the SKCC, I have just started getting back on the air using CW, have not used CW since 1986, when working to upgrade to Advanced. so this brag is a funny one for me as I have made ovver 300 Countries on SSB over the years. Worked ZL2BLQ on 31 August
2017 on 14.061 (20M) and in my mad rush to work him, I forgot to
switch from the 40M rotatable Dipole (X-740) over to the tri-band
beam(X-7). End result signal reports were 379 instead of 599.   Pay
attention to your antennas if using multiple antenna set up and multiple radios.
KB3CVO - Tom (39)  Still having fun in spite of band conditions!
KJ1RE - Larry (43)  Another fun month of remotely beating folks about the ears with my bug fist! hihi Thank you to everyone I worked and good luck to all in whatever quest
they are on. I am (slowly) closing in on Tx8 and hope to achieve that
milestone before the next appearance of Halley's comet.
KM4FO - Dwight (0) Well,,,,,I did makein on for part of the WES and part of the SKS but no brag for the whole month.  Grandkids are back in school now and the yard work is slowing down, hope to be on the air more.
73, Dwight
KT0G - Jeff (4) Antenna work here has taken me off the air.
KZ5OM - Jerry (14) Poor conditions most of the month
N0NBD - Paul (89) I sure enjoyed the contacts last month. 33 of the 89 were good toward my "S" de Paul N0NBD
N4IVE - David (7)  Wow, lost access to my ham computer for a bit there. All is rescued though :)
N4OW - Al (94) Interesting month. FT8 continues to erode CW activity. Who needs automated QSO's?  NOT ME.  CW forever ! 73 de N4ow AL  
N8XI - Rick (25) Thanks for all the QSO's everyone.
Only 25 this month but all enjoyable. Even did a 48 minute QSO with
Roger, W4RFT for 35x4 (1200 minutes).
73...SKCC, The KEY to Amateur Radio!
NF1U - Fred (46) my totals are up a little. after completing my naqcc challenge, I put one of my older qro radios on line the ts930s just to check it.  Just a minor issure but will be working on it.
NF5U - Jerry (31) Not a very productive month for me. Too many distractions. I hope to do much better in the upcoming months. 
OS0S - Leon (7) Vacation month....
VA7CW - Bill (7) Numbers won't be great since changing antennas, but always nice to hook up with a few members for the odd brag.
VK7CW - Steve (58) Another great month of brags even with very poor conditions.
Getting closer to my 'S' with 5 more needed but they are proving
difficult. I was using a recently acquired old Australian Buzza No. 100 double lever bug for most brags this month. Thanks to all who listen out for VK.        73 de Steve VK7CW
W1TAG - John (20) Was away for part of the month, and then involved with other stuff. Thanks to all for the QSO's.
W1XT - Bob (41) Another great month. Conditions seem to be getting a bit better. Thanks to all for the QSOs.   Bob,  W1XT Sun City West, AZ
W3NP - Dave (58) Not on the air as much this month due to other responsibilities and the bands generally being in poor condition.
I did spend some time practicing on my "modified" Vibro-Cootie and got
my new Viz cootie towards the end of the month. Was also doing some 60
meter work looking for new stations on that band.
73 de Dave - W3NP
W8RDG - Ron (53) Another Fun Month using Straight Key with SKCC! My count was down due to traveling! I'm close to tx8 this month, 10 to go then I can work on my S! Looking forward to working all my friends again in September! Hope everyone's summer has been as great as mine! Cu on the
bands! Ron W8RDG
WA3GM - Greg (37) Slow month but fun...  Hopefully better next month. Did complete my TX4 this month....  Onward to TX5. 73 Greg
WA4FQN - Jerry (70) QSO's this month completed my Tx8 and gave me a good start toward Senator.  Thanks to all for the enjoyable contacts.
WB1AJX - Howard (2) Slow month for radio ops, too much time spent on job, yard work, and boating. If all goes well I am hoping to do more in September, and might try to do WES from my boat while anchored.
WB8YXF - Richard (4) Way too much digi agn this month..... next month will be on the road in Sep for family obligations.... will catch y'all when I can, 73 and God Bless..
WB9CAC - Bill (17) Out of town quite a bit this month,  and thus on the air very little. 73's all
WI5H - Mike (40) Well I made more this month than last time. Nine were QRO, the rest were QRP.
Maybe conditions will improve, maybe I will get my inverted L repaired and maybe I will run more power next time...we will see.
73 and TNX de Mike WI5H
WU7H - Josh (1) Changed my call from WA7FPV to WU7H. So close to my Centurion!!!  Spent most of the month backpacking, so not much radio activity. My one SKCC contact this month was QRP from a summit with my KX2.
WV8DH - Dave (41) Not a very good month for me. Not as active as I would like to be. Maybe better next month. Thanks to all for the brag contacts. Of course, I am working only QRP so that may have something to do with it also. Maybe no one hears me. Best 72/73 from Wild and Wonderful
West Virginia. Dave
AK3X - Peter (19) Another slow month. I put up a new antenna on 30 September so I have high hopes for more brags in October and beyond. 73. Peter
F5DE - Bernard (3) only three brag contacts, sorry.
73 to all !
F6HKA - Bert (143) Thanks for the QSOs. 73 Bert
G0RDO - John (2) Loads of excuses for poor result HI
Main excuse = vertical MA6V down for repairs (17-15 element broken &
fell off). Propagation still awful is another excuse. Hopefully October will be better. 73
I5EFO - Emil (19) Few DX and so much noise.
K0KEX - Rick (4) Now that our Simulated Emergency Test activity is complete I hope to get back to SKCC fun...73 Rick
K3CKO - Bob (41) Used a refurbished Speed-X Les Logan 515 key all month. It cleaned up well but I had a hard time finding a new Dot return spring. Found one at Value Home Sales hardware store. The adjustment settings are the same as a Vibroplex.
K5MP - Mike (13) After the passing of IRMA, and the associated clean up chores, there was very little time to play.  Nonetheless, I wanted to report this token effort if for no reason than to try out the
NEW-TO-ME Elecraft K3.  Hope to make a better effort next month.
K8ZAA - Randy (51) My brag totals should improve because I tend to operate more in the colder months. Also might help that I put up an antenna for 160 meters.
KA3LOC - Ric (137) Thanks to all who participated.  It was another rough month for propagation,  but there were a few good openings.  Hope everyone had a good time.  Things should get better as we go into the winter months.  Best 73 & God Bless. 
KA5TJS - Allen (77) Well, a good month for me. Chasing the S got me a few more QSO's. Got my Tx8 and Tx10 on 9/10 so working hard for more contacts. Conditions not to bad down here this month. Most contacts on 40 meters but got a few 80/20 QSO's.
KA8HFN - Larry (74) Thank You for the September Brag QSO's. GL es 73, Larry
KB0ETU - Phil (28) Another record for me! Try to get one a day, but sometimes don't get any and other times I'll get two or three. All works out in the end. Some contacts are @ 5 watts and some are at 30 to 40 watts.  72/73, Phil
KB1WOD - Dave (91) Thanks for all the Brag QSOs. Meet my goal of 3 per day average. 73
KB3CVO - Tom (41) Again with the fun!
KJ1RE - Larry (75) Lots of fun as usual and have finally reached Tx8 and started on my S-quest. Thanks to everyone who I worked!
KM4WIP - Steven (13) I'm a new ham and cw op. This is my first SKCC activity. I appreciate all the support I get from members.
KT0G - Jeff (5) I hope to spend a lot more time in the shack soon!
N0NBD - Paul (68) Even with the bands kinda cruddy I worked a few guys. I even worked Bert F6HKA in France. Tnx Bert. I started using the SKCC logger and my son migrated all the previous QSOs over and it works great. I hope to do better this month with more contacts on 80 meters as we start into fall wx. de Paul N0NBD
N0PHU - Dwight (6) Only 6 made but it included my first CW contact on the air. I'm enjoying it since i got over my fear of trying to copy.  Thanks all for putting up with sending and occasionally asking AGN PLS.
N3CKI - Dave (9) Starting to get my portable station established.
N4IDH - Alton (1)  I am embarrassed to submit this.
N4OW - Al (74) IRMA came to visit, no power for 3 days grrrrrrr! Looking ahead to October. 73 de N4ow AL  11375s 
N8BB - Werner (1) Hey, I'm bragging about 1, what the heck. Slow month for me I guess. Lol
N8XI - Rick (13) Busy, slow month TNX
SKCC The KEY to Amateur radio
NF1U - Fred (20) Not too active this month with a two week visit to Italy and poor conditions and a weeklong severe head cold.
NF5U - Jerry (24) Did a lot of traveling this month and was not able to go portable or mobile so I worked as many of you as possible from the home QTH. Thanks to all, 73's and hope to catch you on the bands. 
NX1K - Mark (10) 10 is not great, but it beats my total for the last three months combined. Need to get on more between the sprints.
VA5CW - Bill (6) Not real active on the radio these days, but always nice to grab a QSO with another SKCC member, even a short one. Happy Halloween!
VE4DLA - David (2) nothing but noise for weeks on end
VK7CW - Steve (51) This was a great month as I finally achieved my Senator. My
thanks and appreciation to all those members who have helped me along
the way over the years. Conditions have been poor again this month but
still managing to get some nice brag QSOs in the log. Great fun as
usual. Best regards to all from Tasmania, 73 de Steve 10820S
W0SZV - Eldon (0) only had 2 contacts and were during WES. shack was disassembled for move to new house. Hope to get a antenna up soon
W1TAG - John (21) Not a productive month due to limited time. Happy as always to work new folks, and those needing the number or state.
W1XT - Bob (34) Fall conditions are upon us. Next Month should be lots of fun. Thanks and 73 to all, Bob W1XT
W8RDG - Ron (105) Great Month! Tx8 and I'm on my way to the Big S. I have to take my time as it seems to go fast! I have 70 already! I keep telling myself "Slow down and enjoy the ride". The more I CW the more I love it! Thank you to all my SKCC friends for keeping the fire burning with
CW! See you in Oct for a brag! 73's Ron
WA3GM - Greg (9) Not too many this month due to some family stuff.... C U in October......
73 Greg 
WA4FQN - Jerry (65) Thanks to all for the September QSO's. Finished the month with 61 left to make S.
WB5JWI - Les (19) Spent the summer traveling and dodging Hurricane Harvey.
September was a decent month for me. I had 6 7 QSOs in the 15 to 30
minute range and two that were around a hour long. I really enjoyed the chats.
WB8YXF - Richard (2) Wow, really ......  Ok Oct maybe better.  Greetings to all.... I need to work on "S'
WB9CAC - Bill (24) Bands are improving. Been traveling, thus not on the air as much as I would like. Only 10 away from Tx7. Patience and persistence. Only 60 until Tx8. 73's to everyone.
WI5H - Mike (80) Had a blast and doubled my count again. No way I can do that
next month hihi. Thanks for all the nice QSOs. I ran QRO most of the
month...back to QRP soon. 73, Mike
WP4OSQ - Angel (7) I get the cw bug 4 years a go but never have time to lear . This year in Maryland after 4 years I setup a QRP Yaesu with a
concealed ant in the apartment only fir 30 meters and a 1899T from mfj. I only have 14 QSO. I have nevwr participate in a sprint. All my qso are weekdays from 6pm to 11pm. It will take more than a year to apply for de Centurion. But having the oportunity to learn CW is
great.of 32 total QSO i have made 1o are SKCC members. Without Ypu guys the bands are dead. For october I have made 3. Thanks for reading me. I am new in CW and I am happy. 73 de WP4OSQ.
WU7H - Josh (8) Another slow month for me. Hope to do better next month!
WV8DH - Dave (20) Slow month for me. Went to North Carolina for a few days and then the wife had surgery and tending to her and doing some studying. So not much time for CW but hope that things will pick up next weekend. 72/73 to all from Wild and Wonderful West Virginia, Dave
AA4AZ - Ted (5) First month as SKCC, but didn't get much time on the air.  Tnx to Steve, KE4OH for my first SKCC QSO and his QSL.  Looking forward to meeting many more of you on the air.
AB5XM - Allan (0) Sorry, none in October.
AF4K - Bry (24) I have been busy on other modes but always love to work some CW. Open to a rag chew if anyone is interested!! 73 de AF4K, Bry in FL
AK3X - Peter (25) A slight improvement and the brag motivates me to at least try to get a brag QSO every day. Some days only the RBN skimmers are paying attention.
73/72 to all. Peter
DK3DUA - Tom (7)  vy73 & tnx for all QSO's
F6HKA - Bert (214) Thanks for the QSOs. 73 Bert
G0NMY - Mark (2) I guess im not as active as others lol
G0RDO - John (15) Used a big pump key exclusively for this month - A Marconi PS213A into a Kenwood TS-440SAT and a MA6V vertical antenna. 73
I5EFO - Emil (21) Tks fer QSOs. I used 150w and 36ft L.W.
HPE CUAGN 73 de Emil, I5EFO (13262s)
K0KEX - Rick (17) Didn't get as much time as planned but had some fun contacts. Five new members logged along with OS0S, F5UQE, 4X1WQ, and ZL2BLQ. K8JD helped me with my first 60M qso. Not a bad month...thanks to all...73  Rick
K5MP - Mike (126) Seems the propagation gods were a bit kinder to us this month.  Consequently, it was rewarding for a change, spending time on the HF bands.  Not only was my Brag count much better than in the past
few months, I actually picked up a half dozen new numbers for my SX3
quest.  Now I'm looking for all those new "T" who were anointed over the past three months or so.  Come on guys, I did my fair share of helping you get where you are.  How about returning the favor?
K6III - Jerry (57) Still a poor propagation month... may improving a little.
K8JD - John (81) Even with spotty band conditions I still managed to get a pretty good bunch of SKCC members in the log this month :D
K8ZAA - Randy (47) Another busy month. Thanks for the QSOs.
KA3LOC - Ric (182) Thanks to all who participated.  This month started out slow with poor band conditions, but things pickup the last week.  73 & God Bless. 
KA4GUM - Greg (2) October was kind of busy, work, Grandkids etc...  But while
portable in Ellijay GA I worked Larry KA8HFN #2046 and John EZ9I #16.
Gotta find my cards so I can QSL!
KA5TJS - Allen (93) Wow, may best I think. Chasing the S is helping here to. I got a lot of new numbers and some DX for this month. Also got a few I have not worked in a while. Thanks to all who chatted with me and hope to see you in Nov.
KA8HFN - Larry (173) Thank You for all of the October Brag QSO's. GL es 73, Larry
KB0ETU - Phil (15) Made a lot of contacts, but not very many SKCCers. Maybe November will be better.  Meanwhile, have a safe veteran's Day and a Happy Thanksgiving.  72/73, Phil
KB1WOD - Dave (84) Got a lot of new members this month. Hope to see more on the air. See you next month 73
KB3CVO - Tom (36) Fun!! Always fun!!
KJ1RE - Larry (73) Not quite as good as I wished, and a large fall storm knocked off the last two days of the month. Thanks to everyone I
worked as I push toward my "S"!
KK7H - Mike (18)  I got to play a little more this month, Tx6 in the bag…
KT0G - Jeff (19) Decent count for me this month when I include WES.  Headed for Tx4.
KZ5OM - Jerry (55) (club) Surely conditions will improve!  Just need 2 more C,T or S on 40m to get to the Tx7 level.  QRV most days on the sked page.
N0NBD - Paul (52) Was a pretty good month but the bands were flat here in KS quite a bit. I still had fun! de Paul N0NBD
N3FLL - Frank (15) As of 11-2-17  I have 47 to go for my  "S"
N4OW - Al (17) Not braggin' about this number :)  IRMA, Grow Light RFI & Poor Band conditions,  "did a number" on my numbers. Happy
Thanksgiving to all, 73 de AL, N4ow 11375s  
N5JPX - Jim (17) It was a good month for me in the brag category.  Most of the brag QSO's were at 5 watts so I am quite happy with my October results.  Thanks for the contacts and hope to see everyone on the air
in November.  73, Jim
N8BB - Werner (56) Worked many new members this month and a few old friends. Good month for me.
N8XI - Rick (45) Got more active towards the cooler end of the month. Lotsa warm weather outside activities. TNX for all the QSO's.
SKCC, the KEY to Amateur Radio
NF1U - Fred (37) Always QRP.
NF5U - Jerry (77) Not a bad month here, bands in fair shape, still a lot for room for improvement. This month I used my Kenwood TS-590SG into dipoles for each band. I had a good time working those in the log now and look forward to next month, 73's. 
NX1K - Mark (24) Total in Octobe more than sum of June-September.  I had forgotten how much fun this is.
SM5LIB - Ingemar (1) My first Log, hope I did it right.
Hope for more QSOs in November
VK7CW - Steve (33) Conditions not as good this month but still had fun. Thanks to all who worked me. 73 Steve VK7CW
W0SZV - Eldon (4) In new house. now have one antenna up, a 5 band vertical. hope to get a 160m loop up soon. Elecraft K3sat 100watts and cootie key
W1TAG - John (22) Thanks to all for the QSO's. November - April operation will be from MA.
W1XT - Bob (41) Another great month. Conditions are getting better on 80M. Hope to see more activity there. Thanks all. 73 Bob W1XT
W3NP- Dave (75) Spent a little more time playing on the lower bands as the WX got colder and the noise level dropped. I am seeing a bit more activity on 160 meters. Would like to see more on 60?? 40 and 20 are
such "vanilla" bands. Seriously, 60 meters is now a lot like 40 used to be especially in the daytime.
73, Dave
W4KKY - Greg (3) Finally got SKCC WAS with NM during the last WES. Made three QSO's during the month and still waiting on my WAS award
W4NG - Eldon (58) I've been slack for about a year or so, but this month I picked up steam. Really enjoying being back to the key!
W4YG - John (11) Having fun with CW again. Looking forward to connecting with more of you in the future.
W8RDG - Ron (123) Another Great Month for Brag! I beat my record! My S Quest is going well, I'm at 140 now! I am enjoying the trip to the Big S! CU on the Air!
WA3GM - Greg (6) Another slow month.....
Too much personal stuff to do and not alot of radio time.
Hopefully Nov will be better.....
It was a good WES
72 73 Greg wa3gm 
WA4FQN - Jerry (77) Thanks for the QSO's in October, especially those who contributed to completing the Senator award.
WA9ZDC - Swart (3) Had fun giving new number to ops who really needed me.
WB4OMM - Steve (39) Slow month!  But still fun!  Happy Halloweenie!  And ad safe
and Happy Thanksgiving to all!  See you in the Nov SS CW and Phone!72/72, Steve WB4OMM
WB8YXF - Richard (4) Wow, another month gone by..... almost a new year... Thanks to the few I had contact with and the SKS QSOs.  73 and God Bless
WB9CAC - Bill (21) Bands have improved. Had some nice ragchews. Slowly getting to Tx7. Only three more to go. Best to everyone.
WU7H - Josh (8) Another slow month for me on Brags... but I did make a bunch of WES contacts this month!
AA4AZ - Ted (11) I heard our Brag Manager calling CQ.  I responded and had the honor of being the first QSO on his brand new TS-590SG.
AC2C - Ron (27) Close to one per day but not quite there yet.
AC8XU - Jon (63) Great month for me. Had been off for awhile. 63 Brag points, 91 total QSO's. Made at least one CW QSO every day during the month.
AF4K - Bry (79) Noisy conditions lately, and still a bit distracted by FT8, but the novelty is wearing off. CW FOREVER!!
AK3X - Peter (32) A good month for me in that I exceeded my goal of 30 brag contacts.  Keeps me on the air!  73 to all.
F5UQE - Duc (61) Thanks all for qso
F6HKA - Bert (215) Thanks for the QSOs. 73 Bert
G0RDO - John (4) Had fun on the key, but propagation still pretty awful. Did get another State (ND) so now only need HI, MT & WY. Used a weird Mystery Morse Key for a lot of November. That and my TS-440s plus
vertical gives me a pip-squeak little signal HI. 73
I5EFO - Emil (13) This month I used FT817 & 150W PA with 360Ft End Fed Long Wire antenna.
HPE CUAGN. 73 de Emil, I5EFO (13262s)
K0KEX - Rick (1) WoW, I better get off my duff...73 Rick k0kex
K3ZGA - Bob (1) Distracted this month with other activities, but, I'm here!
Merry Christmas to all my SKCC family! 73.
K5MP - Mike (116) I sure hope all you guys/gals with no letter, a C, or new T behind your number who logged a QSO with me this month will please return the favor when you advance.  I'm seemingly stuck while needing 50 or so new numbers for my SX3 and with these sucky band conditions, times are really tough.
K8ZAA - Randy (31) Thanks from the mitten state.
KA1FSX - Karl (73) i am enjoying SKCC it makes cw fun again. I was QRT from 1993 till Aug 1st
KA3LOC - Ric (159) Thanks to all who participated.  The month started off great, but the last work was really rough. 
Everyone have a Merry Christmas.  Best 73 & God Bless.
KA5TJS - Allen (78) Well, after 7 years I finally got the Senator Award! Had fun getting there and thanks to those who worked me. Good month for brags even with not such hot band conditions.
KA8HFN - Larry (86) Thank You for the November Brag QSO's. GL es 73, Larry
KB1WOD - Dave (50) Was on vacation for a week also there was that holiday HIHI.
Thanks for all the brags.
KB3CVO - Tom (50) More and more fun!
KD5RSS - Butch (4) Yes, just 4,busy month is my only excuse, my apologies to all SKCC'ers, promise to do better. 
KD9VT - Dave (56) Thank you to all that called me. Another rather slow month but better than some. Happy Holidays to all!
KJ1RE - Larry (38) Not a great brag count but a great month overall with 120 QSOs and completion of my S-quest! Thank you to *ALL* who have put up with my poor fist and especially all who participated in SKSE or WES this month as you put me over the top. Looking forward to bragging every month in 2018!
KT0G - Jeff (5)  Hobby time has been scarce
N0NBD - Paul (78) It was a good month here for me. I enjoyed the contacts! de Paul N0NBD
N3FLL - Frank (40) 28 to S
N4OW - Al (52) Always fun to get some brags. Best wishes for the holidays to all the braggers. Big thanks to CURT for all the bookkeeping.  CW FOREVER !  73 de N4ow SkCC 11375s 
N5JPX - Jim (11) Wait!  Is November already behind us?  I swear Halloween was two weeks ago.  Man, time flies when the weather is good and the XYL has a long list of chores.  It's not a big number but it obtained between all the other stuff that seems to seek my attention.  Thanks for the contacts and here's wishing everyone a safe and Merry
Christmas!  73, Jim, N5JPX
N8BB - Werner (25) Another busy month preparing for winter. Should settle down and work some more in the cold months ahead.
N8XI - Rick (60) Have a great Holiday Season all
73, Rick - N8XI SKCC The KEY to Amateur Radio
N9RVW - Greg (20) ok for low pwr, 5 wtts
NC4RT - Randy (6) I know, it's not very many, but it's infinitely more than
August, September, and October combined.
MAX = 17215T, Dave NM5Z
MIN = 10382T, Greg WA3GM
Good to get back on the air.  73 de NC4RT
NF5U - Jerry (57) Another fun month of operating. Probagation is getting worse, but there are still stations out there to qso with. I hope all had a good Thanksgiving, and looking foward to a great December.  
OS0S - Leon (12) During November, the Belgians RA could use the prefix OP instead of the usual ON prefix what let me not much time for november brag. So in november, I dind't use my vanity call OS0S but the special
prefix OP4ZD. More information on OP4ZD on QRZ.COM. 73 and hope to
meet you in december.
VK7CW - Steve (18) Poor conditions and little time for radio this month yielded my worst score for the year. I hope to finish the year with an outstanding effort. Thanks to all who worked me. 73 de Steve VK7CW
W0RJW - Ed (25) This is my first full month as SKCC member. I know I'm not breaking any records here but had fun talking to 25 members. I'll keep working at it. 73, Ed W0RJW
W1XT - Bob (36) Another fun month. But we sure could use better conditions. Mostly couldn’t use QRP. Had to resort to 80 watts to complete many QSOs. But things will change! I guarantee it!!  73/72 Bob W1XT Arizona.
W3NP - Dave (74) I was surprised I had made 74 Brag QSO's in Nov. Didn't seem like I had been on the air that much apart from regular events - was a busy month here.
73 de Dave - W3NP
W4NG - Elton (60) It's good to be back making contacts on a regular basis again. Earned Tx6 this month.
W8RDG - Ron (90) Happy Holidays to all my SKCC Friends! I enjoy each and every Month of CW ops on SKCC. I'm doing well on my S Quest.
as of Dec 1st I have 16 to go at this post. I made Tx9 this month. I will be leaving for Florida soon and will be operating QRP for the winter months. If I don't get my S maybe I will finish it up via QRP
which would be kind of neat too! Keep calling me and I will do as well! Cheers!
W8RDG Ron in Michigan.
WA2JSG - Curt (24) Wishing all a very Happy Holiday Season.
WA3GM - Greg (53) Pretty good month for me ...
Thanks all. Greg wa3gm 
WA4FQN - Jerry (34) Thanks to all for the QSO's this month.
WB4DBO - Bill (146) Glad to be back in the “Brag Challenge!”  Band
conditions were not very good this month.  I enjoyed giving my number
to many newer members in SKCC.  This month I made all my SKCC contacts
using the KX3 running 80 watts via Elecraft amp.  The Pan Adapter was
a big help spotting SKCC Cqs on the SKCC spotting frequencies.  The
SKCC Sked Page is a big help finding new numbers.  Toward the end of
the month it was necessary to do more hunting for new numbers.  The
Sked Page generally has pretty much the same folks signed in. But, at
times you will find some of the newer members signed in as well.  I
hope to have time in December to work toward a higher score.  December
can be busy around here. Thanks to all who took the time to exchange a
Brag QSO.  Always nice to work SKCC friends during the Brag Challenge.
 Best wishes to all during the Holidays, Please give me a call for a
Brag Exchange during December. 
WB5JWI - Les (40) A very good month for Brags coupled with a very good WES made for a busy month.  Thank you to all who worked me.
WB6IZG - Bruce (69) This was my first full month as a SKCC member and was able to get 69 contacts. I also made Centurion. My most enjoyable QSO's were those ragchews.
WB8YXF - Richard (15) A little better month, though no where, were I would like the numbers to be.  Maybe December will be different........
thanks to all who QSO'd with me .......
God Bless and 73
Fr Richard
WI5H - Mike (91) A good month on the air. Thanks for all the nice QSOs. 73, Mike
WL7WH - Bob (5) another month of terrible condx here...hope gets better in December!
WP4OSQ - Angel (12) KD2KEH, KB5EBB, KB3CVO, AC4FZ, W4FZ, KC1BMD, W0ECS, KB3NSK, W9DLN, N4PGJ, KE4COH and K1PUG. Best brag ever!!!! 73
WU7H - Josh (48) Finally got my 'T'! Thanks for all the contacts. My quest for the 'S' has begun