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Founded, January 2006
29,800 members strong
as of 23-Mar-2025

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SKCC Monthly Brag

This activity began in April 2010 as a way to encourage contacts among SKCC members independent of sprints, contests, or special events.

The idea is to see how many unique SKCC numbers you can accumulate during any given month. At the beginning of each month, you will have a 15-day window to enter the number of SKCC members you worked during the previous month.

Each participant's tally for each month will be displayed on the Brag results page. No prizes, no wallpaper, just braggin' rights!

Monthly Brag Rules:

1. Your count starts fresh each month. You may contact the same members from one month to the next, but you can only count a member once during a month -- no dupes, no multiple-band contacts with the same member.

2. Membership numbers must be exchanged by both operators in during a contact, using CW.

3. Only straight keys, sideswipers (cooties), or bugs may be used for the Brag. For details, see the club's policy on approved keying devices here.

4. You may operate on any band, in keeping with any restrictions your license class imposes. Use of our schedule page is encouraged.

5. Use whatever power level you need to complete the QSO; there are no endorsements or breakdowns by power level for this activity.

6. This activity is independent of sprints, therefore, no contacts made during any of the club's sprint count toward the Brag.

7. During the club's anniversary celebration each January, stations operating as K3Y special-event stations and stations holding QSOs with K3Y stations may count those contacts toward their January brag totals. However, as per Rule 6, no station -- K3Y or non-K3Y -- may count QSOs made during club sprints held during the anniversary event.

8. If you discover a mistake in your entry after it has been submitted you can correct it by resubmitting the data, provided the time window for submitting is still open. When resubmitting, you must re-enter ALL of the data, not just the correction. However, once the Brag month submissions page has been closed, there can be no further changes or additions.

9. Beginning in the reporting month of January 2018, we will have a bonus member, to be announced in advance. A Brag contact with a bonus member is worth an additional 25 points.

2024 Brag Bonus Stations

MonthCall SignName

2025 Brag Bonus Stations

MonthCall SignNameSKCC #

SKCC unique contacts made in the Slow Speed Saunter AND the newer Oceania QRS Saunter may be included with your monthly Brag totals. However contacts made in the new SKS-Asia should not be included with your Brag totals, same as with the SKS-Europe, WES, and SKS sprints. The object of the Brag is to see just how many different SKCC members you can make contact with in a given month outside our four sprints. Operators interested in working the Brag as a bonus station at some point in the future (2025), please drop me a note at the email address below.

To help you keep tabs on your contacts, you can download a blank tally sheet here.

For more information, or if you have questions, contact The Brag Manager.

The Brag submission window normally closes at 2400Z on the 15th of the month.

You can submit or view Brag Results here.