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Founded, January 2006
29,800 members strong
as of 23-Mar-2025

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SKCC Honor Roll

The Straight Key Century Club Honor Roll recognizes members who exemplify the ideals of the Straight Key Century Club. The inaugural Honor Roll members are keeping alive the traditions of CW operation through their on-air activities and have become Top Operators for the club.

Inductees into the Honor Roll have earned the recognition and respect of the Straight Key Century Club membership. Induction into the Honor Roll cannot be refused and is irrevocable.

Let it be known, that the following members have earned Straight Key Century Club's highest operating honor, without whom the Straight Key Century Club would not be as well known as it is today.


N0CW - Chuck Waltman - SKCC #23240s - Chuck is awesome! Need CA, Chuck is there in most events and is often "the" signal on 15 and 10 meters. With an SKCC number of 23240, Chuck has been given SKCC QSOs for many years. Of course with the suffix of CW it explains his favorite mode as well as his initials.

DL4FN - Peter Dintelmann - SKCC #26830s - Peter is there for that very needed German multiplier in many of the SKCC events. It's not surprising how many SKCC members have a DL4FN QSL card in their collections. It's hard enough working for an "S" in the States but to have your S and be a European station is quite an accomplishment.

KB4QQJ - Randy Drake - SKCC #3508s - Randy does it all; he is into SKCC, LICW, SOTA, POTA and even holds the KS4KCC club call sign. You can find Randy everywhere on the bands and he is even involved with several projects producing telegraph keys. Randy is a Board member of SKCC and helps organize and support our SKCC events.

W3NP - Dave Humberton - SKCC #3182s - Dave is well known in SKCC events, he is always there to supply a needed WV multiplier. He makes it an easy QSO with his fine station and excellent antennas. You can catch Dave on our "regular bands" (including 160m) but also with a fine signal on the WARC bands. Dave also administers our Triple Key Award.

F6EJN - Robert (Bob) Meline - SKCC# 508s - Bob has a really great signal. You regularly work Bob on at least two bands and often three bands! F6EJN is a big signal in almost all SKCC events and usually at the top of the scoring. As number 508s can you imagine how many QSOs Bob has given out since 2006 when he became a member! Bob has excellent CW and rarely (if ever) needs a repeat. Bob is active as one of the K3Y/Eu stations every year.


K6ELQ(SK) - Tony Slupko - SKCC #10250S - Tony was a regular in SKCC events and on the SKED page. Tony was always available for an "S" or California multiplier and signal report.

K2CWM(SK) - Curt Myer - SKCC #3018S - Curt was the Brag Manager, attended "all" Hamventions (really!) and worked at the SKCC booth. Curt was there for the WES, Brag, SSS (his favorite) and K3Y.

KK0I - Jack Hill - SKCC #2370S - You can find Jack in every SKCC event almost every month. Often Jack will QSY to bands where you need a WI fill. Jack is happy to QSY and to QRS when needed.

PG4I - Jo Stakenborg - SKCC #11019S - Jo participates in many SKCC events including WES, Brag and SKSE. A very active SKCC member, Jo provides many SKCC members with their first NED QSO. Jo is usually there on our sked page.

N8KR - Ken Rogner - SKCC #7559S - A very big signal and big scores in SKS and WES, Ken also is a huge fan of K3Y operating as /4, /5, /7, /8, /9. Ken has encouraged many SKCC members in the W9 area of Ft. Wayne, IN and often hosts multi-multi events from his shack.


ZL2BLQ - Stan Mangin - SKCC #4356T - Centurion #265 - Tribune #178 - For his continued outstanding efforts in the promotion of SKCC and participation in various sprints and the K3Y Anniversary events.

LW3EX - Walt Masi - SKCC #3804T - Centurion #194 - Tribune #111 - For his continued outstanding efforts in the promotion of SKCC and participation in various sprints and the K3Y Anniversary events.


W7GVE - Ed Becker - SKCC #729T - Centurion 73 - Tribune #109 - For his outstanding efforts in the various sprints and promotion of SKCC.

NW2K - Dean Faklis - SKCC #7330T - Centurion #528 - Tribune #389 - For his outstanding efforts in the various sprints and promotion of SKCC.

KO1U - Mark Burgess - SKCC #7648T - Centurion #536 - Tribune #393 - Mark earned Tribune x10 in his first 11 Months of membership.


W1DV - Dave Vittum - SKCC #1433T - Centurion #36 - Tribune #7 - Dave, already in the Hall of Fame, is a virtual "CW sending machine." Dave has probably recruited and worked more individual members than most of us could ever hope to match.

W9DLN - Dan Nyman - SKCC #3635T - Centurion #159 - Tribune #74 - Dan is inducted in recognition of his incredible machine-like consistent top scores in sprints and in K3Y.

F6HKA - Bert Banlier - SKCC #6069T - Centurion #356 - Tribune #225 - Bert is inducted in recognition of his non-stop strong signal from the European continent. Bert has given many new members their very first European CW contacts.


K0LUW - Russ Halbert - SKCC #1702T - Centurion #42 - Tribune #4x7 - His outstanding and dedicated operating has earned him the honor of being the first SKCC Member inducted into the Straight Key Century Club Honor Roll.

W6UT - Dennis Sanford - SKCC #2417T - Centurion #66 - Tribune #6x6

KK7YJ - Jim Tregarthen - SKCC #2728T - Centurion #124 - Tribune #49x6

AC2C - Ron Bower - SKCC #2748T - Centurion #128 - Tribune #51x6