November (2 of 2) 2007
Congratulations to Barry K8QI in taking first place, to John K1NV in taking second, and to Don N1LU in taking third.
Usually in the past, I've noted a mix of comments in the soapbox - some say how lousy the conditions were and others rave about how good they were. That wasn't the case this time - Nearly everyone commented how lousy the conditions were. The participation was actually pretty good. The stations were out there. Don't feel too bad about a low score because everyone had low scores!
I would say that there's nowhere to go but up, but I don't know that. We are getting about at the bottom of the sunspot cycle according to recent predictions of scientists.
One thing that I've always been concerned about clearly happened this time - many scores were dominated by the bonuses rather than by the number of QSO's and multiplers. Stations who had the right condition and could luck into the club station received a large boost to their score.
Judging from the participation, the new week did not seem to dampen enthusiasm. Thanks for making the switch! I believe I've seen a few new calls, so if this was your first time, welcome, and I hope you'll come back again. There seemed to be quite a bit of particpation here in Florida (K9SKC doesn't show up in the scores, but Frank KB4T from near Daytona was operating K9SKC.), and there also seems to be an unusual number of Q's in the participating call signs.
K9SKC (op KB4T)
Operating K9SKC was fun. It's always a treat to be on the receiving end of a pileup. At the start, conditions on 40 seemed bad yet I worked CA, CO, MA, NY, NJ, NH & MD quickly & easily, most with good, even strong signals. Worked only a few in the Midwest. K9SKC spent the first hour on 40 and the second hour on 80. QSO count evenly split between both bands. I was suprised that pileups lasted only moments. It seemed to me as if people were giving up trying to work K9SKC after only one or two attempts. Too bad because I could have worked many more people. In fact, I'm amazed that I made only 33 QSOs. Perhaps, even with all the discussion in the last few days about how to operate in the Sprint there simply wasn't enough interest. It has been a busy contest month. Hope to see more folks on Christmas NIGHT in December for the next event. 73 de KB4T Opr of K9SKC.
Atrocious conditions in Colorado. Hope it was better where you are!
Had the pleasure of working several new members. Even found Frank with K9SKC on 80 meters. I worked several on 80 and I don't even have an antenna for 80. I was tuning my mini beam. For 40 meters I used an inverted Vee with the apex at 50 feet. I used 3 straight keys and 2 bugs, mostly used the AnnieBug. Until next time, 73. Bill NT9K..
Conditons were lousy here, especially on 40, but fun as always.
Had a blast getting back into the SKS after taking the summer off. The bands were not so hot. KJ4TQ put it best "This sprint was like the difference in fishing and catching fish. Have a great time fishing but like catching better." I agree I like catching fish better. Hi-Hi! Cant wait for the next SKS on Christmas night soon to be followed by K2A in January. Many thanks to Kelsey KK6AW for hanging in there. That was deep mud. Almost as bad as the mud in last nights MNF game in Pittsburgh. 73 Michael KC2EGL SKCC 553C
This was my first SKS eventhough I've got a "low" SKCC number. I've spent most of the last 30 years on CW using iambic paddles and getting the rust out of my SpeedX is quite a strain on my wrist. It is fun and well worth the glass arm symptoms. Thanks for the fun tonight on 40 meters. Joe, W5QLF Helotes, TX
80 meters turned out to be better than 40 for a change. Even then it wasn't anything to write home about. But as always it was fun!
Very poor conditions. Two quick ones on 40M and then nothing. Went to 80M and worked few stations. Mostly out here. Did work W8FHF which was longest haul on 80.
Thanks to all in this log, I'm submitting it for you cause it ain't gonna do me no good....hi.
I only operated 40 meters, and the band was weird: a lot of QSB and almost a "duct" to Florida from NJ. No one else was coming in except FL, the Carribean, and South America, for most of the SKS. Then, in the last half-hour, W5QLF rose up out of the "mud" to become only the second state (TX) out of the only 6 QSOs I was able to scrape up. Background noise levels seemed unusually high throughout the evening, also. My thanks to the hearty few who showed up for this first fourth-Wednesday (Z) SKS. It'll do; and it can only get better from here.
Started out on 40m but nuttin' happenin'. QSYed to 3.5 to find a high noise level, major QSB and horrible propagation. Tried both running stations and S&P. Only managed 6 Qs with the IC706G at 100w and low dipole with huge gaps between contacts. About the only highlight was finding Frank at the helm of K9SKC and grabbin' the Club Bonus points. N1LU (Don NH 2252C) was far above the others in terms of signal strength. What in da heck are you runnin' up there Don? Whatever it is ... don't change anything. HI 73, Gary K8KFJ (West Virginia) SKCC #2444
Vy poor condx; noisy, shifting bands. Even usually reliable stations were in the mud. Made one QSO on 40m; the rest on 80m. There was one consolation-- snagged the club call on both bands. Rig: Elecraft K2 @ 15w; 100' wire up 30'; Junker straight key. Better luck next time, I hope.
Horrable noise here on 40M and 80M. Only got Frank running K9SKC. Could hear W7QQQ on 40M but the S7 noise was killer.
Tuff band condx here in AZ.
Need to get the wax out of my ears.
QSB on 40m and heavy absorption on 80m.
QRO helps.
Signals very weak this sprint in upstate NY.Tried calling cq on 80 m with no results. Made most contacts while calling cq on 3.550. Usually it's the other way around.
Poor band condx, did manage to pick up two needed states for SKCC WAS on 80M.
80M seemed to be the best band this time. The opening QSO was with WL7WH in AK on 40M which was a nice surprise. K8QI in FL was QSOed on both 40M and 80M. I worked 40M with my TS-440S in the house tied to a 40/20 dipole and 80M from the garage hamshack using the TS-940S and open-wire fed dipole. In both cases, the dash lever of vibroplex bugs provided the binary morse pulses.
Worked a WV non-member, AJ1M, then the band fell out. Very poor condx. Thanks to all who got in there and tried. Better luck next month.
Really enjoyed the Sprint as usual but condx were poor in
Florida on 40 Meters. Heard more skcc stations on 80 but am
only using a dipole up about 30 feet.
Another marginal night from West Central Florida. Called CQ several times with no bites and snagged only 4 QSOs using S&P. I wonder if this long wait for the next sun spot cycle has anything to do with this global warming thing? Mabel - another Black Label and get me Al Gore on line 2.
QRN was S7 on 40 meters at this QTH. (Key Largo, Florida) Nothing heard on 20 meters.
Condx not the best. Signals low to S/E PA. Happy to be able to work the few that I did! To those that I did work, tnx for bearing up to a new 'Bug' operator- hope the 'fist' wasn't to bad to copy! 73, Red in PA