August 2007
I am pleased to present (although delayed) results for the August 2007 Straight Key Sprint. Thanks for your patience as the role of SKS manager was transferred from Kevin K4VD to John AI4RE.
Congratulations to Jack K4CNW for taking top place in this month's sprint. Neck-and-neck for second and third places were John W9TFC and Joe K8JP. We thank everyone who partipated and hope you do it again. Like always, we invite you to submit your score regardless of your activity so we may gauge the interest in the event.
To answer some questions that were asked, yes, Tribunes counted as Centurions for the purpose of bonus points for this sprint. Notice that I have changed the rules for next month (September 2007) to where the SKS bonuses are the same as in the Weekend Sprint-a-thon: five points for Centurions and ten points for Tribunes. Also, if the operator of K9SKC gives his personal SKCC number, please count it as two contacts - one with K9SKC and one with the operator.
If these answers change your score, please send the correction to me at Please do not resubmit them via the web form on Kevin's (K4VD) web site or e-mail them to Kevin.
Call Name SKCC # Own S/P/C Power QSO's S/P/C's worked Bonus Score
K4CNW Jack 2961C SC 100 27 18 110 596
W9TFC John 1391 100 21 16 145 481
K8JP Joe 3171C IN 100-500 21 16 135 471
KA8HFN Larry 2046C 50 17 15 80 335
KC9HGW Robert 281T IL 50 13 9 50 167
K8KFJ Garie 2444 WV 90 10 8 65 145
KC0RSX Len 14 MN 10 7 6 50 92
WU7R Ci 22T MT 25 6 5 40 70
KC8HKI Nick 3338 100 5 5 40 65
KD1XU Don 2697 100 4 4 30 46
KD1XU Lots of QSB here, but everybody was patient.
K4CNW Had lot's of fun as usual. 20 meters was open to the NE and the NW US for a short while early from SC but never heard W6UT/K9SKC from CA. 52% of QSO's were 1st time worked for me - thanks everyone.
WU7R Conditions were pretty bad here in Montana, but I had fun trying to meet the challenge. there is always next month.....
K8JP Could not break Dennis K9SKC on 40M. Fun event, but way too much unnecessary repeats. Many very good signals, but some were rivaled by the summer QRN. Never heard a signal on 80M and I called CQ 4 or 5 times. 8RN TFC net was on 3530 kHz. One new SKCC state and one new C. Great time, even though I was dog tired after half of a day at the VA hospital.
K4KFJ All QSOs were made on 40m with moderate QRN. Counted the K9SKC/W6UT QSO as two QSOs. Hope that was correct. All QSOs were S&P. My tks to those who participated so I could play radio.
KC9HGW Not great propagation, but I could really hear the stations I had QSOs with. I had a pipeline to FL.
KC0RSX Lots of fun tonight! Got another state for WAS. Good deal.
KC8HKI Wow! This was pretty exciting for a first timer. I can't believe how the bands lit up so quickly! Thanks to those that QRS for me. What fun, even if I did only make 5 contacts. thx 73 -Nick