The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Converted into progressive morse code This text is broken into 20 pieces, the first section is done at a code speed of 10 words per minute. Each following piece is sent at 1 word per minute faster. So, file 2 is sent at 11 words per minute, and so forth. The text is open-source and was obtained from the Project Gutenberg website. Please see their website or consult the text file contained in this work for details. All rights are with the USER, so if it's broken for any reason, you may keep both halves. Conversion was done by software, not by hand. This is a conversion of the Fifth Edition translation. If you would like to see a different version, please request it and I'll make it up. The Text files and the audio files are identically numbered so you can follow along. In the marked-up text there are notations such as this: (13). These notations cross-index the audio and text files, and were not part of the original work. If you want to make comments, please e-mail me: JWDunlap2@Verizon.Net 73, John Dunlap KF7BYU SKCC #6666, (with a fist that's 6 times worse than the devil himself)