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Founded, January 2006
28,686 members strong
as of 6-May-2024

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New SKCC Members!

Please welcome the following new members of the SKCC family. Watch for them on the air and help them get started on their first SKCC QSO's!

Read below, some of their reasons for joining the SKCC.

73 de Andy, K0AF SKCC #22366S

28518 - KN4RCC - Jim - Ocala - FL

Extra. Just getting started with CW.

28519 - KQ4PJB - Phil - Mechanicsville - VA

Newly acquired technician license and studying for my general now. I am interested straight key cw only. I was first introduced to Ham Radio when I was ten years old by my late grandmother (WA4VZN) and her sister (WA4JIQ) and would spend endless hours tuning through the bands listening and fascinated even though I didn't understand any code. I really enjoyed thumbing through her collection of 1000's of QSL cards from around the world and wanted to be participate. She bought a Heathkit receiver kit to build for me but succumbed to cancer before she could build it. 45 years later I finally got started, I bought an Icom IC-730 and built a 40m half wave dipole antenna, got on the air last week and I'm looking for a club that I can participate in to build my skills. I'm kind of old school, not interested in computers, electronic keyers, or code readers, I want to do it all the old fashioned way and from what I have read this club sound a like a good fit. I have only had a few QSO's so far and my very first QSO was with SKCC # 3254 (AB8CR) and thus discovered what SKCC was. Thanks for your consideration and 73, Phil KQ4PJB.

28520 - N5OVH - Al - Kyle - TX

Amateur Extra Class. I've Always enjoyed CW since my Novice days over 40 years ago. Although I'm not as efficient I like to encourage new Hams to pass it along.

28677 - MM7BFL - Laura - Dailly - SCO
Foundation (UK), enjoy the art of radio telegraphy using a Straight Key, comrade with other lovers of CW

28678 - M0JJT - Gareth - Middlesbrough - ENG
UK Full - learning Morse using a straight key